Waiting for the next one to come out Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time you have decided to commit your time by rediscovering the fun offered by the previous one Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy and trying to get all the trophies, but you don't know how? Here are some little tips!
Within the trilogy there are ben 23 total trophies and 4 hidden trophies: to be able to unlock them, however, it is necessary to carry out some steps prior to the levels concerned. Chief among the latter is the completion of the various levels with an immense attention, from the beginning, to the collection of gems and gold relics. Once this step has been completed, you have reached a good familiarity with the maps of the levels and obtained all the colored gems, you will have to replay the previous levels, but using particular paths otherwise inaccessible.
- Down with Papu
This first trophy is related to the story of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, which will lead players to face Papu Papu during the sixth level of the first island. To defeat him and get the trophy, simply jump on his head 5 times, avoiding his attack.
- The Ruin of Ripper
Crash will face off against Ripper Roo during the second level of the second island, so this trophy is also tied directly to the game's story. Blowing up the TNT when Ripper is nearby will make the fight easy but, in order to do it at its best, it will be necessary to remember the path taken by the boss.
- Ring around the rosie
Obtained in the second level of the first island, Jungle Rollers, this trophy requires: "Spin an enemy and send him bumping into another enemy twice in the same level". On Crash Island he will find two squirrels walking in a row and can, with the square, spin to hit the first squirrel, so as to send it to the second. By waiting a few moments and repeating the process it will be possible to obtain the trophy.
- I swear I did it on purpose!
This trophy provides for the removal of an additional life. To get it, just press the square button near one of the Crash icons which, easily found inside some crates, represent extra lives.
- That's what they are for!
Trophy concerning character tokens. The latter are similar to the extra life icons but, unlike the latter, they represent game characters, such as Tawna and Brio. Once you have obtained all three tokens, you will have access, via a simple teleportation platform, to a bonus level, where it will be possible to obtain the trophy.
- Prova a prendermi
To get this trophy you need to find 5 relics.
- I faaaaameeeee!
Get this trophy of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy it will be extremely simple: in fact, you just need to be swallowed by one of the carnivorous plants present in the first levels of the game!
- The chest that broke the camel's back!
To unlock this trophy, you will need to finish any level with more than 30 crates missing.
- Kolpisci the Koala
Silver trophy linked to history. To get it, just get to the end of the second island and get the victory against the Koala Kong, hitting him with the big boulders that he will throw at the player and avoiding both the explosions of the TNT crates and the rocks (or crushing them).
- Pinstripe Meatballs
At the fifth level of the third island you will meet Pinstripe Potoroo, boss easy to defeat by using the armchairs of his office to hide and then come out to attack him with the square, for example in the moments when his weapon will jam or will have to be reloaded .
- Say it with a Gem
This trophy requires, first, the discovery of the colored gems present within the title. Inside Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy there are 6 of them and they can be obtained by completing some levels without dying and breaking the crates present along the way. Once you have found each to be it will allow you to have access to an optional path. The levels in which it will be possible to find the gems are:
- Green Gem: Lost City level;
- Yellow Gem: Generator Room level;
- Blue Gem: Toxic Waste level;
- Gemma Rossa: Slippery Climb level;
- Gemma Oro: level The Lab;
- Purple Gem: Lights Out level.
- The Mad Battle of Cortex
To get this trophy you will need to receive the key in the Sunset Vista bonus level. The latter can only be unlocked after finding the 3 Cortex tokens and entering the portal of the additional level.
- Cortex's terrifying trial
As in the previous one, also to unlock this trophy you will need to obtain the 3 Cortex tokens and, once you have completed the special bonus level in Jaws of Darkness, finish the level and collect the key at its end.
- It could reach… the… goal!
Obtain 10 relics (gold or higher).
- Bandicoot in his underwear
This very simple trophy will be obtainable at the Cortex Power level, on the third island. In fact, you just have to take the shock and die from the generators located at the beginning of the level!
- Speck and Brio
This trophy of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, linked to the story, will be obtainable only after defeating Doctor Nitrus Brio, engaged in his laboratory on the third island.
- Cortex Neutralized
Trophy linked to history and, more specifically, to the grand finale, when Crash will have the opportunity to face Doctor Neo Cortex on top of his seaplane.
- More gems are better than nothing
Get 13 gems.
- The ultimate gem trail
Obtaining this trophy will not be easy: it will be necessary to find and collect all the gems inside Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, representing the reward for completing the level without dying and having destroyed all the boxes present.
- Practice makes perfect
To unlock this trophy you will need to get 26 relics (gold or higher), or overcome the timed challenges. Each of these levels has in fact one: by replaying a finished level a second time, just take the gold watch at its beginning, so as to be able to finish it within the time limit and obtain - in order of difficulty - Sapphire, gold and platinum.
- Brakeless
Immediately after the boss fight with Papu Papu, in the first island, it will be possible to unlock the character of Coco Bandicoot. To switch from Crash to the latter, just press R2, then eliminate 5 enemies by rotating (square button) and get the trophy.
- In seventh heaven
The trophy will only be available on the Castle Machinery level, before the N. Brio fight. At the beginning of the level it will be possible to find a platform with the green gem: by descending from the latter and ending the level, it will be possible to obtain the trophy by earning 99 lives, or by repeating the level twice.
- The intrepid Crash Bandicoot!
This trophy will be unlocked automatically as soon as those previously listed are unlocked.
Recall that Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and on PC.
► Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is a Platform-type game developed by Vicarious Visions and published by Activision for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/06/2017 The version for PC came out on 29/06/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 29/06/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 03/08/2017 The version for Xbox One came out on 29/06/2018
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 84%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Review