Totally surprising, on August 28th during the Summer Game Fest we saw the official announcement of the release of Cuphead on PlayStation 4. The hugely successful title developed by Studio MDHR was released the same day on Sony's digital store at a price of € 19,99. Now the time has therefore come for those who have not already had the opportunity to play it on Xbox One, PC or Nintendo Switch to complete one of the most difficult and graphically inspired titles of recent years.
We could not talk about "completing" a game of this type without talking about completism in every respect, first of all the obtaining of all the trophies available for Cuphead. We are talking about a total of 29 trophies divided into 10 bronze, 12 silver, 6 gold and last, but not least, the coveted platinum trophy. Some of these can be obtained simply by continuing in the game, but others will require the use of some extra skills (not being a title itself without difficulties). So here is the complete list of all the trophies:
Bronze Trophies
- One less: defeat a boss.
- Shark of finance: buy every item at the Emporio Cotechino.
- Full chests: Collect every coin in each level.
- At parade pace: Complete 20 saves.
- Parade master: Complete 100 saves.
- Ceramic power: Defeat a boss with a Super move.
- Ceramic Fury: Defeat a boss with an EX move.
- Short cut: find a shortcut.
- Bouncy ball: parries five times before hitting the ground.
- Sell your soul: submit to the devil.
Silver Trophies
- Two steps in the green: Defeat every boss in Inkwell Island I.
- Fair day: Defeat every boss in Inkwell Island II.
- Four jumps in the center: Defeat every boss in Inkwell III.
- Gambling evening: complete the casino.
- Dance of perdition: defeat the devil.
- In great shape: you get an S.
- Great magician: Get all Super moves.
- Filthy rich: Collect every coin in the game.
- Pacifist: Complete all levels without killing any enemies.
- Perfectly: Complete a level without getting hit.
- Stock cube: Defeat King Dado without getting hit.
- Bravo Zulu P-26: Defeat a boss using only mini-plane bullets.
Gold Trophies
- Saved souls: Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
- Learn one more of the devil: Complete the game on Expert level.
- SheriffScore A or better on all bosses in Inkwell Island I.
- BossScore A or better on all bosses in Inkwell Island II.
- MayorScore A or better on all bosses in Inkwell III.
- Sovereign: Score A or better on all bosses in Hell on Inkwell Island.
Platinum Trophies
- Triumph triumph: get all other trophies.
We hope this guide will help you in finding and obtaining all the trophies featured in Cuphead and we invite you not to be discouraged by the difficulties that will arise in front of you, since everything will reward you with hours of fun and satisfaction (as well as anger)!
► Cuphead is a Platform-Shooter game developed and published by Studio MDHR for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch and Mac, the video game was released on 29/09/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 18/04/2019 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 28/07/2020
Cuphead is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Cuphead review