Cyberpunk 2077 gives us a lot freedom, from the cyberware we decide to wear to how to take advantage of the points we earn with each level up; what, on the other hand, sometimes seems more restrictive is obtaining the money, the eddies which constitute the in-game currency.
So let's see how to earn money… and in relative haste.
First tip, check that Cyberpunk 2077 on your platform is up to date, since this technique, until before the last one updating, could corrupt the game save, which we would like to avoid, for your own good.
Another prerequisite is to have unlocked the perks "Former Nihilo"And"Cost Optimization“, For which a Crafting level above 14 and 12 respectively will be required.
Here are all the steps to perform:
- Buy 30 cans of soda from distributors (in your apartment complex you will find 7-8), each for 10 eddies; if you want to buy more, wait 24 hours and you can make a new "round" of purchases
- Destroy the cans to get Common and Uncommon Components
- Use the components to craft Nekomata Rifles
- Sell each shotgun to a nearby distributor for about 600 eddies per piece
- If you want more liquidity, once the rifles are sold, also sell the remaining Common and Uncommon Components
Ideally with about 15-20 minutes of dismantling cans and 10 minutes of crafting rifles, you should overall be able to collect about 500.000 eddies every half hour.
Obviously take our advice and make it yours, adapting it to your type of game. For sure you will no longer be without cash ...
► Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG-Adventure game developed by CD Projekt RED and published by Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 10/12/2020
Cyberpunk 2077 is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 95%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Cyberpunk 2077 review