Our Dark Souls adventure continues: back to Refuge of the Undead (with a Snuggly pass), place where you faced the Demon of the Refuge, another boss is waiting to be able to party: the Wandering Demon. Here we explain how to get the best of him and we will briefly tell you its fascinating story. You are ready?
Strategy and useful tips:
Before we begin, know that the Wandering Demon is weak to fire, like his other two brothers, and is not particularly fearsome, although he is capable of doing very great damage. As in the case of the Demon of the Refuge, you just have to follow him and hit him only on the tail and on the butt, and that's it. Pay attention to its movements and move away when you know it is going to cause an explosion or land on your head and move back when the attack is over. Follow these simple instructions and you should have no problem getting the better of them.
- Explosive Sweep: the boss gives a blow with a front club and remains stationary for a few seconds, releasing an explosion of fire in the impact area; our advice is simply to dodge the blow
- Explosive Hammer: very slow attack, in which the boss hits the floor with the hammer, thus causing a large explosion; however, it is easy to dodge (just move away when you see the Demon raise the hammer above his head) and will leave the enemy vulnerable for a few seconds, giving you an interesting chance to hit him
- Crash: the boss rises into the air and crashes to the ground; you just need not stay under him to avoid taking damage
- Vertical Heavy Strike: Vertical hammer attack with enormous range; roll sideways to avoid it
- Titanite slab
- 20.000 anime
- One Humanity
- A Bone of Return
- Shortcut to reach the Unusual Doll guarded by a black knight.
This - gigantic - creature is one of the most fascinating within FromSoftware's title. To begin with, it is possible to hear him (and see him) from the beginning of the game, even if it is a boss that is unlocked later in the story. It is a question, as in the case of the Demon of the Refuge, of one of the demons generated by Chaos, from the desire, that is, to play at being divinities. While not preserving any memorable secret, the creature is impossible to forget: a further warning to remind us that we are catapulted into a gloomy and threatening world in which, probably, true death is the lesser evil.
► Dark Souls: Remastered is an Action-RPG type game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 25/05/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 19/10/2018
Dark Souls: Remastered is a great game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 80%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Dark Souls: Remastered review