After defeating Ornstein and Smaugh and taking possession of the Vessel of Lords, in Dark Souls the time has come to take on four new enemies, i Four Lords, in the order you prefer.
We will now tell you about Seath the Scaleless, the dragon who betrayed his kind to ally with Lord Gwyn. This Lord is found in the Archives of the Duke, map whose access was previously blocked by the orange fog that just disappeared. The first encounter with this boss culminates in the irremediable defeat of our undead (the boss is invincible at this juncture), resulting in a possible curse. To keep him from cursing you, we recommend that you get killed as quickly as possible. You will meet him again in the Crystal cave, a place where you will then have the opportunity to face and defeat him.
Strategy and useful advice
First, get yourself a good one resistance to curses, as Seath curses it's a pleasure. Once this is done, we anticipate that the boss fight is not too difficult, but requires a little patience. The first thing to do is to eliminate the oyster monsters present in the area immediately preceding the boss arena, otherwise they will follow you when you enter and will "keep you company" during the fight. Once this is done, you will need to rush to the back of the arena and destroy the crystal, or wait a few moments with the shield up until Seath destroys it, as this makes the boss invincible. If you want the Greatsword of the Moon, we recommend that you go around the boss and attack his tail until it falls.
Seath will try to keep you in front of him, so you'll have to go around it often. To make this tactic effective, choose a tail and always attack that; if he raises it, distance yourself, because it means he will use it to try to hit you. Attack the tail when the boss is stopped blowing in front of him, heal when he waves his three tails. Do not try in any way to parry its attacks, as they would remove your stamina very quickly leaving you exposed, and its breaths however cannot be parried. You also wouldn't defend yourself against curses, so you would die easily.
- Breath of the White Dragon - a very powerful magical attack, which the boss will implement by blowing on the player; it is not parable and most of the time it will see the dragon blowing over a large area, clockwise.
- Area Blow - instead of just blowing in front, Seath will blow 360 ° around him, which will especially happen if you are behind him; the attack, like the other breath, is not parable, but you can avoid it by moving away.
- Codata - the boss will wave his three tails (especially if you are behind him), trying to hit you; to avoid it, move away or head in front of him.
- Clawed - Seath attacks nearby with his left paw.
- 60.000 souls.
- 1 Humanity.
- Soul of the Lord handed down.
- Greatsword of the Moon (if you cut off its tail).
- In the Room where you first met him, you will find a chest with a Great Magical Ember inside.
Traitor of his own kind, Seath was born without scales and was for this, and for his fairy wings, marginalized and mocked for life by his fellow men. His envy of the scales of other dragons and his obvious hatred towards them led him to betray them, revealing to Lord Gwyn their weakness. As Gwyn's armies destroyed the scales of the dragons, Izalith burned their homes (the Archwoods) and Nito unleashed his miasmas against them. Grateful for the information given to him, Gwyn made him a Duke and gave him a territory. Within his Archives, Seath experimented upon experiment, giving birth to creatures as hideous as sad, and this is probably where his influence in the birth of Gwyndolin lies. His research culminated in the discovery of the Primordial Crystal as a means of coveted immortality, but his obsession drove him mad. Now out of his mind with paranoia, he isolated himself in the Archives, constantly in fear that someone would steal his immortality from him. Barricaded now in his home, he sent his servants around to capture new guinea pigs for his experiments. Dissatisfied with the "results" of his betrayal, Seath betrayed Gwyn. When Gwyn later learned of the plot behind him, Seath blamed Havel (who had discovered him), having him imprisoned in a tower.
► Dark Souls: Remastered is an Action-RPG type game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 25/05/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 19/10/2018
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