Il Knight of the Mirror is the second boss of the Drangleic Castle, wonderful map of Dark Souls II, third “effort” by FromSoftware. After getting the better of the two Knights of the Dragons, in order to continue in the main plot, it will be necessary to defeat the fearsome enemy. Once through the fog, not exactly easy to reach, the fight will begin. Remember to equip yourself with a good lightning defense before the fight. You are ready?
Strategy and useful tips:
At the start of the battle, the enemy will try to hit you with a jump attack or lunge, so be ready to dodge it as soon as you pass through the fog. Go around him and stand behind him, to the left, so it is easier for you to avoid his blows. But be careful that the Knight of the Mirror it tends to rotate on itself to hit you equally. Always attack him from behind, because in front he is defended by his powerful shield that will make all your attacks vain. Hit him every time his combo ends and keep it up. When the boss loads the sword you can hit him or walk away and heal yourself - the choice is yours. When he starts to summon an NPC, go immediately behind him and attack him. Then kill the summoned enemy as quickly as possible, trying to lure him away from the Knight, or hit him as soon as the summoning is complete, as he will be helpless for a moment. Don't leave the summoned NPCs aliveotherwise they will start to pile up, making the battle much more complicated for you.
Always remember that the lightning element and the fire element are not very effective against the Knight of the Mirror, so avoid pyromancies and miracles.
- Multiple Slash: the boss uses the broadsword to execute two or three slashes, which strike from the front and sometimes even from the side
- Lunge: the Knight executes a long range lunge with the broadsword
- Jump attack: the boss jumps and hits the ground, causing a massive amount of damage
- Evocation: after losing about 30% of his life points, the Knight of the Mirror will plant the shield in the ground and use it to summon a hostile NPC; the enemy will be helpless during summoning, so you can attack him
- Lightning rod: The Mirror Knight raises his sword to the sky and uses it to harness lightning and attack up to three times
- Lightning: after loading his weapon with lightning, the boss uses it to shoot a bolt straight at the player; this attack is very fast, so it might be convenient to parry it
- Lightning cones: after using Lightning Rod, the Knight will fire electric balls directed towards the player, slow but with a relatively large area of effect
- Lightning spin: with the sword full of lightning, the boss rotates on himself; dodge by rolling or move away
- Shield Bash: the Knight will try to hit you using his huge shield; it is a very slow attack, therefore very easy to avoid
- Soul of the Mirror Knight
- 25000 anime in NG, (68000 souls in NG +)
- Steel guard ring (+2 in NG +)
The story of this splendid opponent, as well as his face, is hidden in mystery. The cold metal mask that covers the face of the granite defender of the King's passage is only the most evident point of a mysterious creature about which, in truth, very little is known. The story told lets us imagine the Knight as a sort of guardian, a test to be faced by the bravest, eager to overcome the Castle of Drangleic to proceed in the - tendentially - suicidal journey. Because of his great fidelity in life to the King Vendrick, he seems to have remained bound to his oath, continuing to slaughter under his mighty attacks anyone who tries to cross that threshold for him more than solemn. As far as we are concerned, the boss-fight of the Knight of the Mirror is one of the most beautiful to see of all the imagery of Dark Souls and, in particular, of Dark Souls II.
► Dark Souls II is an RPG-Adventure game developed by FromSoftware and published by FromSoftware Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the video game was released on 11/03/2014 The version for PC came out on 25/04/2014