One of the most difficult - but at the same time fascinating - areas of Dark Souls II is without shadow (excuse the pun) that of the Shady Woods. The dark land, infested with tough lion men, holds an almost solemn charm, thanks also to the presence of one of the most dramatic and at the same time fascinating stories of all the imaginary of FromSoftware.
In fact, enclosed in the fog of the sepulchral structure, it is possible to find - and face - the beautiful and fearful Najka, the scorpion woman. Beware, though, its story goes far beyond your imagination.
Strategy and useful tips:
First you have to attack the poisonous spikes after the boss has planted them in the ground, in order to break them and limit his attacks. Know that Najka is able to inflict massive damage and toxicity on you if she grabs you with her grip. Also, if you stay behind her for too long, she will perform a powerful spin attack. Try to always stay to the side, never in front (otherwise it will grab them). Then remember to get on one of the rock shoves when it goes underground, so as not to get hurt when it goes up.
But when she casts the spells, take cover behind one of the trees or run towards her. With these few tricks, Najka will not be a danger to you even if, on the surface, he may seem like a dangerous boss, in reality he is one of the easiest of all Dark Souls II. To get help against this boss, you can summon the scorpion man Tark, if you have talked to himRing of Whispers (available from cat a Majula). Know that he is very strong and can prove to be a real "ace in the hole" if you find yourself in trouble.
- Scorpion quills: the boss uses her two poisonous quills, planting them in the ground in front of her; avoid them and hit him immediately after
- Spear attacks: Najka wields a catalyst lance, with which she will attempt to hit you with thrusts and sweeps; turn them around to avoid attacks
- Scorpion claws: If you stand in front of him for too long, the boss will use his claws to attack you
- Soul Arrows: The boss uses soul spears and soul searching arrows, to be avoided by taking cover behind one of the trees or running towards him
- Underground Journey: Najka will go underground, to pop out below you; avoid getting hit by climbing one of the rock ledges
- Grapple: If you stand in front of him for too long, the boss will use a very dangerous close grab, capable of doing a lot of damage and inflicting toxicity
- Soul of the Scorpioness Najka
- 23000 anime
Di Najka, the scorpion, very little is known. Apart from the obvious "structural" similarities with Queelag, and everything that could arise at the level of lore - in reality never much in-depth - what is striking about the boss fight is evident thanks to the presence of a fundamental NPC: Tark, the scorpion, one of the most fascinating of all Dark Souls II Arrived in his presence, however, in possession of the fundamental Ring of Whispers, the man will tell you that once he and his beloved lived in peace and fought together until, one day, the latter she has gone mad, ending up hurting the innocent, even her beloved, since her mind is now irremediably clouded by madness, by emptiness. The man will help you in the fight against Najka, thanking you at the end for having "freed his beloved".
A romantic story, like not many, in the Dark Souls trilogy.
► Dark Souls II is an RPG-Adventure game developed by FromSoftware and published by FromSoftware Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the video game was released on 11/03/2014 The version for PC came out on 25/04/2014