Probably they represent the most important object of the game, being human, in fact, will not only give you the possibility of being able to play online, but also and above all, will increase your vitality. That's why we present our Dark Souls II guide to human effigies.
There are three ways to find them, hidden in chests, sold by merchants, and dropped by enemies.
It will be possible to buy them in limited numbers from:
- Magerold, merchant of Forte Ferreo;
- Melentia, merchant of the Forest of Fallen Giants;
- Agdayne, the guardian of the Crypt of the Undead;
- Grandhal, the keeper of the abyssal pact (it will be necessary to adhere to the covenant).
However, farming is the best way to acquire the precious human effigies. below is the list of enemies who will drop the item.
- a Majula, by burning the ascetic bonfires, skeletons will appear under the mansion which, if killed, will have a 100% chance of dropping the effigy. This technique can be used infinite times and the number of skeletons will be equal to the intensity level of the bonfire. However, we advise you not to underestimate the strength of these enemies when they are in a group;
- in Forest of the Fallen Giantsby burning the ascetic bonfires you can reopen the chest containing five effigies several times;
- Crypt of the Undead leaving the stones in the nest, there will be the possibility that the object that will be given to you could be a humanity;
- By killing the old women that you will meet at the beginning of the game you will be able to get eleven humanity, by doing so however, you will no longer be able to use the receptacle for souls.
Finally we point out the places where you can find them inside the hidden baskets
- a Forte Ferreo on the molten rock next to the first bonfire;
- Tseldora quarries jump into the well in the village with the peasants;
- Hunter's Grove in a basket on the upper level;
- da Lucatiel Throughout the game, always listen to all dialogue, eventually he will leave you with his armor and an effigy.
Recall that the third chapter of the Dark Souls saga is out in April.