The world of Dark Souls III, conceived by Hidetaka Miyazaki, is a dark and ruined place, full of obstacles and challenges that put the player's skills to the test. Among these challenges, needless to deny, are the bosses.
The first boss you will face in the third chapter of Dark Souls is Gundyr, the judge and in this guide we will give you all the tips you need to defeat him and get your first victory against a boss.
Gundyr, the judge is not a particularly tough enemy, but, like all the enemies of Dark Souls, however, it should not be underestimated. Let's start by saying that the fight consists of two phases. The first, simpler, and the second, more difficult, which starts as soon as Gundyr reaches about 50% of the remaining HP. As for the first phase, just keep yourself at a safe distance from the enemy. Gundyr will mainly launch two types of attack: the first will be an area attack, the second, a jump attack. The latter will be easily read by you and that will be the time to attack. Do this until the boss enters his second phase.
As the new phase begins, Gundyr will transform and become much more aggressive, as well as being able to do a lot more damage to you with a single attack.
Also in this case, what will be more convenient for you, will always be to remain far from the boss and attack him only and exclusively after his jump attack. Do this until you manage to defeat him and you can finally light your first bonfire.
It is fair to point out that, in the second phase, Gundyr will be particularly vulnerable to gunshot damage. So, if you belong to the pyromancers class or have fire bombs, use all your arsenal as you will do the enemy a lot of damage.
This is our guide to defeating Gundyr, the judge in Dark Souls III. Let us know in the comments if you managed to defeat him and, above all, what strategy you adopted.
► Dark Souls III is an RPG-Adventure game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 24/03/2016
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