In a period in which video games are becoming easier and more affordable, Dark Souls has stood out for years, standing as one of the most complex and cryptic games of recent years.
Surviving in the world of the Souls is not easy, lethal dangers abound with every step taken and corner turned, the absence of a real guide plot also makes it difficult just to understand which areas of the vast map to approach. In this scenario the Estus flask it is one of the fundamental tools for survival and perhaps the most important of all.
Unlike the previous chapters, in Dark Souls III we will have two types of flasks available, one to recover life points and one dedicated to action points.
At the beginning of the game, the Estus Flask can only be used a handful of times, and you'll have to decide how many uses to assign to the normal flask to recover life points and how many to the Ash Estus flask to recover action points.
In the areas of Dark Souls 3, however, they are scattered numerous Shards of Estus (the equivalent of Dark Souls II's estus flask fragments) which will increase the possible uses of the flask. Whenever you find one, you will need to travel from Andre the Blacksmith in the Altar of the Constraint and choose the appropriate option to increase the uses. Thanks to this NPC it will also be possible to choose how to distribute the flasks, a choice that varies according to your style of play. A player who prefers a sword and shield style of play will surely arm himself with many Estus flasks, a wizard of the Ashes.
Of course, the game will not give you any clues as to where to find the eleven precious Shards and for this reason we provide you with a handy list that will surely help you survive in the fierce world of Lothric.
- Walls of Lothric Castle
- Undead settlement
- Road of Sacrifices
- Road of Sacrifices
- Cathedral of the Depths
- Carthus Catacombs
- Irithyll Prison
- Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
- Walls of Lothric Castle
- Lothric Castle
- Altar of the Bond
All the Shards can be recovered without a specific order, even in different runs. In fact, none of them are located in areas accessible only once.
For the most demanding, we attach a video showing all the specific places where the Splinters are located.