Pyromancies represent one of the three forms of magic available in Dark Souls; described in the game as the simplest magic as well as practiced by heretics and other poorly viewed people, they differ from Witchcraft and Miracles in that their power does not depend on any statistics of their character and on the fact that there is only a catalyst capable of to cast them, the Flame of Pyromancy.
Before entering into the merits of Pyromancies, however, it is good to introduce some basic concepts on their use, useful for those who tackle the game for the first time:
- To use any Pyromancy you need the Flame of Pyromancy, obtainable from the start of the game only if the chosen class will be the Pyromancer. For all the others it is necessary to wait to free Laurentius or to meet Eingyi, as we will see later
- As already mentioned, the power of all the Pyromancies available will depend neither on Intelligence nor on Faith, but only on the level of their only catalyst, namely the Flame. Increasing the Intelligence parameter will only increase the physical damage inflicted by the Flame of Pyromancy (which is performed with RT / R2): an always laughable attack that will never be useful to you; therefore keep in mind that increasing these two statistics is useless for the pyromancer, unless you want to use in addition to Pyromancies also Witchcraft and Miracles
- A small exception to the above point is represented by both the Pyromancies of "Chaos", whose power as well as the level of the Flame will also depend on the number of Humanities brought by the player, and by the Pyromancies with defensive effects or status modification, such as Defensive Transpiration o Toxic Mist, which will maintain the same effects regardless of the level of the Pyromancy Flame
- The Pyromancy Flame can only be upgraded by Pyromancers and not by blacksmiths like other objects. Its maximum value will be +15, reached which it will be possible to improve in the Flame of Evolved Pyromancy only thanks to Queelana, one of these Masters, the only one who can also bring the Evoluta up to +5
- The speed of execution of Pyromancies, like all spells, will depend on the value of the Dexterity parameter: the higher it is, the less time it will take to cast the spells. It is good to remember, however, that once you reach 45 points in this parameter the speed of the spells will no longer increase
- Equipping two identical pyromancies in two different slots will obviously double the charges available for that particular spell
- Despite their reputation as simple spells, Pyromancies for their not relying on statistics to produce damage and to use only one type of catalyst immediately provide a valid help to the player both in the defensive and especially offensive phase, since they will not be few the weak fire enemies that will meet throughout the game
- In the game there will be 20 different types of Pyromancies, one of which is only available via DLC: collecting them all with the exception of the latter will lead you to unlock an achievement / trophy of the title, Pyromancer's bond
At this point we just have to enter into the specifics of Pyromancies, listing on this page where and how to find the various Masters who will help you for this class and in the next the list of all Pyromancies, with their details and their location.
The Masters of Pyromancy that can be found in the game will be a total of 4, each of which will be the only one to sell certain pyromancies: so be careful not to kill them before you have bought what they sell, if your intent is to collect them all!
Laurentius will likely be the first of the pyromancers you will encounter, and as his name implies he is one of many pyromancers from the Great Swamp. It will be useful at the first levels to buy some more effective pyromancy than the Fireball given by default to the pyromancer, or, if you have chosen another class at the beginning of the game, it will be the person who will provide the player with the Flame of Pyromancy.
Laurentius will also be able to evolve the Flame up to +15, for obvious payment of souls.
First lease: Into the Depths; when you reach the room with the butchers, defeat all the enemies present and head to the flooded area, where you will notice a hole in the wall. Enter it and turn left to get to a room full of large vases. Laurentius will be imprisoned in one of these, and to free him you will have to break his vase taking care not to hurt him and make him then become hostile (in this case you can still try to escape without killing him, to then request the absolution of Oswald in the Church and do so. return neutral). So speak to him to make him walk towards the Sanctuary of Fire
Second lease: Once you have freed him from the Depths and gone to the Shrine of Fire, you can find Laurentius sitting in the grass before the room with the pool from which Frampt will emerge. To unlock his services you will have to talk to him and answer "DO NOT"To his question, otherwise it will be necessary to talk to him again and answer"SI”To the new question he will ask you.
Third lease (optional): After you meet Eingyi and the Daughter of Chaos and enter their Covenant, or come into possession of one of the unique Pyromancies that Queelana sold, if you speak to him again at the Shrine of Fire it will ask you to tell him where you learned. such a power. By replying "DO NOT"You will make him stay at the Sanctuary of Fire forever (he will no longer repeat the question and apologize to you), while answering"SI”Will move to the Swamp of the Infamous City, where he can be found in hostile form in the area in front of the Swamp bonfire. So be careful to buy all of his pyromancies if you want him to go to the Swamp, as some will only be sold by him and there will be no way to get them elsewhere.
Eingyi is the Daughter of Chaos' most devoted servant, and will be a major seller of pyromancy once he gains his trust.
In addition to this, also from him it will be possible to increase the level of the Flame of Pyromancy up to +15, and if you have the Intelligence parameter equal to or greater than 11 he will also give us a Flame of Pyromancy +0.
If you own the Ring of the Witch and have it equipped, new dialogue options will be unlocked with him, moreover, contrary to what you might think, killing him will not break the Sons of Chaos Covenant or affect future admission to it . If, on the other hand, you kill the Daughter of Chaos under his eyes, poor Eingyi will become hostile by attacking you.
lease: Eingyi will be trackable and perpetually stationed in the secret bonfire of the Domain of Queelag, in the same room where you will meet the Daughter of Chaos. To get there, go down to the lower level of the room where you rang the bell and hit the illusory wall to the right of the road that leads to the Ruins of the Demon. It will be the first thing you will see once the wall is broken: don't kill him by mistaking him for a normal egg carrier and talk to him. Answer "SI"To his question if you want to continue in the room and meet his Mistress, otherwise he will not let you pass (but you can always kill him, compromising however the purchase of many pyromancies, or more simply exit the game and reload the game, or even change the map and come back to have him repeat the question).
Once he passes you through, however, you will have to earn his trust in order to have his help: then take off your helmet or whatever you have on your head and head towards the Ruins of the Demon, then continue for a short time after the bonfire of the area until you reach meet the only two Egg Bearers who will attack you on sight. Stay still and let yourself be hit especially by their grip for several times (be careful to heal yourselves so as not to die, of course) without attacking them in turn so as not to kill them; after you have been hit a few times, move away and stay still for a few seconds, if you notice that your character will perform an animation in which he scratches his head it means that you have been infected, otherwise return to the egg carriers and get hit some another time until it happens. Once infected, wait a few more minutes still and always without a helmet until a giant egg sprouts right in place of your head. Then go back to Eingyi and talk to him: you will receive compliments, a Vermifuge Egg to take away that monstrosity and finally the possibility to buy spells from him.
It should also be noted that you can decide not to cure yourself and keep the egg on your head, but know that by doing so you will not be able to equip any helmets, you will be significantly weaker to fire and the souls you will collect from now on will be halved as for half absorbed by the egg. Once this has absorbed even 100.000 you will be able to perform a new attack instead of the kick, which will see a large worm come out of your head and attack the enemy; the damage of this, however, is so laughable that it is not at all worthwhile to "hatch" the egg with all the disadvantages it entails, unless you want to try a useless curiosity about the game.
The Daughter of Chaos is one of the daughters of the Witch of Izalith, along with her sisters Queelag and Queelana and the "little brother" Infinite Discharge.
She is at the head of the Covenant of the Servants of Chaos, which will be useful to receive two powerful pyromancies and to unlock a shortcut for Lost Izalith, necessary to complete in a certain way the quest of Solaire, another NPC in the game.
It will not be possible to understand his speeches if you have not equipped the Ring of the Witch, obtainable as an initial gift or by exchanging a Larva of the Sun with the Snuggly Crow; having it or not, however, will not affect entry into the Covenant.
Killing her instead will obviously be considered a betrayal to the Pact, will put out the room's bonfire (but you can still teleport on it) and will make Eingyi hostile.
lease: The Daughter of Chaos can be found in the secret room of the Domain of Queelag, the same where you will also meet Eingyi. Basically you can only talk to her, enter her Covenant or upgrade your Estus flasks with the souls of the Guardians, but if you make the Pact with her you can give her Humanity to receive two Pyromancies and a shortcut to Lost Izalith: the first you will receive as soon as you enter , but for the second pyromancy and the possibility of taking advantage of the shortcut you will first have to offer her 30 Humanities.
It is possible to exit the Pact and then re-enter it with an acquittal, but this will mean that once back the Humanities previously donated will be halved and the difference must therefore be bridged to regain the level they had before the betrayal. It is therefore advisable to donate the 30 Humanities before abandoning the Pact for another (or even ending his life) in order to receive both pyromancies in his possession and unlock the shortcut (which will remain open only if you have already gone there. before the betrayal). It will also be possible to continue donating Humanity beyond 30 units, but this will have no effect in the game.
Queelana is also one of the daughters of the Witch of Izalith, the only one who managed to escape before being transformed into a monster. She is known as the pioneer of Pyromancy, as well as the teacher of the great human pyromancer Salaman, and it will be precisely because you will remind her of the latter that will provide you with her invaluable help.
From her you can buy many useful pyromancy, you can evolve the Flame of Pyromancy up to +15 and subsequently transform it into a Flame of Advanced Pyromancy, which can be developed up to +5 always by her hand. Furthermore, once the Cradle of Chaos is killed, it will also give us an additional powerful pyromancy.
lease: Meeting Queelana is not easy, as a certain condition must be met; after that, it will appear in the Swamp of the Infamous City, sitting and leaning against the wall of one of the pillars before the entrance to the Domain of Queelag.
Although there have been cases in which its appearance was dictated by other factors, it has never been possible to understand precisely what these could be; only meeting the following condition will make it appear in the game with absolute certainty:
- Have a Pyromancy Flame at least at level +10 (ATTENTION: in the case of NG + the Flame of Evolved Pyromancy will not count and you will need to get another normal Flame at +10)
This still remains the only necessary and verified condition to make Queelana appear.
It is also good to remember that it is best to try to make it appear as soon as possible, since if you look for it only after defeating the Cradle of Chaos it will not show up.
Once you have finally bought all of its pyromancy, satisfied all dialogue options with it, raised the Flame of Evolved Pyromancy to +5 and defeated the Cradle of Chaos, it will leave the Infamous City forever after thanking you.