The new DLC of Resident Evil 7, Confidential Movies Vol. 2, is recently available for purchase or for anyone who has purchased the Season Pass / Deluxe Edition.
This DLC includes two interesting episodes (tapes): Daughters, in which the life of the Baker family is deepened; and Twenty-one, where you will have to lethally clash with Lucas Baker.
In this guide we will deal with the resolution of the first tape, Daughters, which has two very distinct endings.
Once the videotape starts, we will take on the role of Zoe Baker. We will begin to appreciate his nocturnal ways and the events that - in their own way - modify the Baker house. With the hurricane swooping in on them, Jack Baker returns home carrying a little girl, Eveline. Soon after, things start to go wrong, and Zoe finds herself in the middle of a horror story.
Follow Jack and Eveline and listen to their dialogue until she leaves the room. Marguerite will move to the kitchen. At that point, pay attention to Lucas' phone, especially his screen, and take note of the password he typed.
Then follow Marguerite and open the door to the pantry. Among the piles, take the pick from the ground.
Continue to the laundry to reach the change of clothes that Marguerite mentioned to you. Grab them and move to the second floor of the house.
Before continuing to the nursery, enter the bathroom and take the item from the closed drawer.
Exit and move as indicated. Jack will ask you to freshen up Eveline by giving her something clean. Wait for it to come out and approach the golden building on the pedestal. Use the small component found in the bathroom.
Go up the stairs and you will find a computer on which you will have to enter the password (1019), the same one you saw on Lucas' cell phone a few moments earlier. Read all the notes inside, using it for the "good" ending of this first episode.
Go down and talk to Eveline to carry the story forward.
As soon as the light goes out, use the lighter to look around and go downstairs. You'll find Lucas unconscious on the ground.
After checking it, you will hear Marguerite speak to herself. Climb up to the bathroom and watch her raving.
Listen to some dialogue between Zoe and her mother, until Jack asks you to go to the garage and get some rope. Go down the stairs, enter the garage and take the rope in front of the door.
Go back to the bathroom upstairs. Jack and Marguerite will ask you to go back downstairs. Run to the recreation room, close the door and barricade yourself inside using the rope.
Go to grandma's room and take the fork from above the pantry.
Go back to the barricade and use the fork on the window with yellow colored pieces of wood. This way you can open the window.
Exit the room and enter the veranda. A little while ago, in your computer notes, you read about a red box belonging to Lucas. Despite being hidden, the color makes it quite visible.
Open it and take the dog head inside.
Use the narrow opening on the porch to re-enter the house.
Wait for Jack to leave the area and move to the main hall. Turn off the lighter. Silently approach Marguerite. He will give you the car keys and ask you to escape.
From this point on, the story will diverge on two endings: one good and one bad. Let's start with the bad things (?).
Bad ending - False
Get away from Marguerite and run to the kitchen. It's time to start the SUV in the garage.
Jack will try to stop you from leaving the house. To overcome it, enter the laundry room. Use the crawl space to return to the pantry, and then to the kitchen.
Quietly go back to the garage. Open the door and get into the SUV to get the bad ending.
Good ending - True
The true ending of the story (good?) Is reached in a completely different way. After receiving the car key, move to the back door and use the dog head found in Lucas' red box. This way you will have access to the courtyard.
Move to Zoe's trailer, inside you'll find Mia's body, along with several notes. Read them to trigger the true ending of the Daughters DLC.
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- Daughters of Resident Evil 7 DLC guide