Once the opening cutscene is finished you will take control of your character: Isaac Clarke.
Before following the rest of the group out of the spaceship, head left to enter a spaceship room and retrieve a small med pack, then exit the aircraft and join the others. Once you get off you will be greeted by a cutscene on the panel above the entrance to the USG Ishimura, go ahead and open the door in front of you. In this room you will witness a short dialogue, at the end of which you can save using the console located behind Zach Hammond. Now open the door to Zach's right and follow the corridor to the end where you will find a computer to examine. Once done, a short sequence will take place during which the four crew members accompanying you will be attacked by strange creatures. Immediately after the door placed where the curved corridor will open and immediately another of the creatures will swoop down on you, run along the passage until you reach a freight elevator, go up there and press the button inside it to lock inside. The monster chasing you will try to open the elevator doors but these will tear it to shreds. When the elevator stops, go down and go left, where you will find the first weapon in the game, the plasma blade. Turn around and look at those flashing boxes with the company logo near the wall - break them to find some credits inside. Continue to the door next to the place where you recovered the weapon, to the left of this there are bullets on the floor, then use your fist to break the purple column to the right of the door to unlock it. As soon as the door opens you will see a man being attacked by a creature, which immediately afterwards will turn towards you; it's time to use your weapon, aim for the monster's limbs (they are its weak points) and shoot until it falls to the ground lifeless. Continue along the corridor and open the door at its end, you will find a small med pack on the ground while if you go left there will be a dead end but on the ground you can collect more credits (when you approach you will see a monster pass behind the crossed iron beams ). Turn around and continue along the obligatory passage and before going through the next door, pick up the audiolog from the ground, with which you will hear a recording that warns you of monsters and their movements.
Go further and in the room you enter there will be an argument between Zach and Kendra. After the dialogue, examine the room, in the box with the mark on the wall just inside the door you came from you can get credits, from those near the exit door some more credits and a small med pack, save the game and continue on your way .
Go to your right and open the door, a corpse will drop from the ceiling (or it will get stuck in it) but there are no enemies, you will receive a call from Zach telling you not to aim at the body of the monsters, after which go through the door following. You will find yourself in a large corridor where you can only go to your right, along the way you will hear a chilling scream and then a repetitive noise, it is a door that continues to open and close, do not approach it otherwise you will suffer damage. In front of the latter on the ground there is a box with the mark, break it, recover the ammunition and next to it take the other object: it is the stasis module, which you will have to use immediately to be able to go through the jammed door. Notice that the other bar, the crescent one, will fill up on Isaac's back: this is the bar that indicates your current stasis level. To the right of the door is a stasis charging module. Once you pass this obstacle go up the passage, on the top of which you can save the game, then continue towards the passage next to the save point where you can recover some bullets from a box, there will be a black-out lasting a few seconds, wait for the light to come back, go back and go right. Beyond the door is a large room where you will receive new instructions, first activate the panel in the corner of the passage near the uphill ramp, then walk up this slope; within a few seconds from one of the exits of the air ducts in front of you will come out a monster, eliminate it and approach the point from which it came out to find another panel to activate. You will notice a box on the wall, open it to get credits and have the weapon ready because a monster will come out from the air vent nearby, pay attention because this enemy is different from the previous ones, you will hit it and it will collapse, but then it could get up again ( depends on the damage you inflict on it). On the ground, always nearby, there is also a small med pack and an audiolog. Now activate, via the panel, the second arm: as soon as it moves slow it down so that you have time to go back to the top of the ramp and activate the panel that is here. Once done you will receive a communication from Kendra, at the end of which a monster will come out from the air vent next to the entrance; take it out and go back to the save point. From the ceiling you will be met by another enemy, to which however you can not inflict damage as it is protected by a grate, save the game and return to the door that opens and closes continuously, recovering the stasis pack that you find on the ground. In the large corridor you will be attacked by enemies that will come out of the grates on the floor, destroy them and continue to where the corpse fell from the ceiling, along the way Kendra will contact you. Now go straight down the corridor, retrieve the small med pack from the box on the ground and kill the enemy lying on the ground around the corner, grab the medium med pack, the ammo and a little further on another audiolog. Climb on the elevator, during the movement Kendra will call you and when the elevator stops have your weapon ready, you will find various enemies in this room: a couple will come directly towards you, one will come out of the air duct on the right of the elevator (if you want you can wait until it approaches the red tank on the ground, shoot it to blow it up) and others will arrive from the corridor. Once the area is cleared, go up on the other freight elevator to go up, go down and immediately shoot the monster on the ground in front of you, take the ammunition from the box on the wall to the left of the elevator and those from the box to its right, then continue along the passage where the monster was previously where you will find another one. At the end of the passage, get the ammo, the textlog and the key to the maintenance center. Go back to the elevator and go down, eliminating the various enemies that will hinder you in your path, go down and go right towards the corridor that goes down, at the end of which you will get two small med packs, one from the box on the wall and one from the crate on the ground. Go back and at the fork go left, then go up the ramp and access the locked door, which you can open with the key you just took. There are lockers to your right: open the middle one to retrieve a medium med pack, while the data sheet is on the table. In addition, here is also the terminal with which to enhance your weapons through the use of nodes, which you do not have now. It's time to go back to the room where you witnessed the dialogue between Zach and Kendra, there will be many enemies waiting for you along your way, especially near the freight elevator. Once you reach your destination, go to the back of the room, where you will have to use the data card on the terminal, then go to the panel that is in front of Kendra and Zach to activate the tram. Save your game, it's time to go back to your ship. You will not meet enemies until you have taken the freight elevator, once you get off you will meet some of them, especially pay attention to one that uses the air ducts to escape in front of your eyes and appear behind your back, this happens in the sloping stretch of corridor . When you get to the room where the first monster appeared, save the game and go to the spaceship, before exiting, however, recover some credits and ammunition from the boxes with the mark on the ground. Aim the weapon and exit on the bridge, you will be attacked by a rather fast moving monster: to be on the safe side slow it down with a stasis discharge, killed, you can enter the ship and head to the command bridge, where you can prepare the ship for departure . Unfortunately something will go wrong and you will have a few seconds to leave the shuttle before it explodes; you will be knocked to the ground and numerous enemies will be ready to attack you, so get ready. You will receive a communication from Kendra and Zach, after which you can save the game in the previous room and then exit through the previously locked door.
The first chapter is over.