As in all PlayStation 4 titles, there will also be avalanches of trophies in Death Stranding. The purpose of this guide is to analyze them one by one in order to allow you to make them your own and grab the coveted platinum. In the title of Kojima Productions there are 63 trophies, of which 15 will be obtained simply by completing the chapters of the main plot.
Let's go and see these unlockable trophies one by one thanks to the plot:
- Delivering is what I do - Complete the prologue - Porter
- Rebuilding America - Complete Episode 1 - Bridget
- We need you - Complete Episode 2 - Amelie
- I will not give up - Complete Episode 3 - Fragile
- BB - Complete Episode 4 - Unger
- We are one again - Complete Episode 5 - Mama
- A bridge between this world and the one beyond - Complete Episode 6 - Deadman
- "BB" - Complete Episode 7 - Clifford
- 60 births and 60 deaths in one day- Complete Episode 8 - Heartman
- The Particle of God - Complete Episode 9 - Higgs
- I'm your Die-Hardman - Complete Episode 10 - Die-Hardman
- Bring my baby back to me - Complete Episode 11 - Clifford Unger
- Waiting for you at the beach - Complete Episode 12 - Bridges
- Thanks, Sam - Complete Episode 13 - Sam Strand
- Thanks for everything - Complete Episode 14 - Lou
The rest of the trophies in Death Stranding will be obtained by completing specific tasks. Some of these will be quite simple, like peeing outside. Others will come over time, such as completing ten premium deliveries with good grades. Still others will require hard work to upgrade facilities to the maximum or deliver 700 cargo items. Let's see them in detail.
- The largest of the couriers - Get all trophies in Death Stranding
- Daily courier - Complete a standard delivery
- Shipment delivered - Complete 36 standard deliveries
- Birth of a legend - Complete 10 Premium Shipments with a “Legend” or “Legend of Legends” rating in each category
- The Legend grows - Complete 20 Premium Shipments with a “Legend of Legends” rating in each category
- A helping hand - Fulfill the first supply request
- The automation revolution - Complete a standard delivery with a bot
- Builder apprentice - Build your first structure (signs, ladders or climbing gear are valid elements)
- Master builder - Build at least one structure of each type
- A new day for the UCA - Connect your first new affiliate to UCA
- We believe in Sam- Connect all facilities to the UCA
- Well connected - Reached connection level 3 for a facility
- beloved - Reach the maximum connection level with all structures
- I like it - Give the first I like it
- The porter of humans - Achieve a total of 2,400 likes
- The most popular porter in the world - Achieve a total of 50,000 likes
- Good Samaritan - Deliver the first piece of cargo
- Bearer of gifts - Make your first donation of weapons, equipment etc.
- Chiral blacksmith - Recycle your first chiral crystal
- Thirst for knowledge - Repair your first memory chip
- Source of knowledge - Repair all memory chips
- Small customizer - Capture the first piece of custom data
- Wet and sign - Take a hot bath for the first time
- Swiss Post leads the present - Read 100 mails
- The past drives the present - Read 100 interviews
- Explorer - Help other couriers against MULEs or a terrorist area for the first time
- Sitter - Reach the maximum connection level with the BB
- Infant blessing - Get a like from the BB
- Promising courier - Reach rank 10 in any delivery evaluation category
- Great courier - Reach rank 60 in any delivery evaluation category
- Slayer of Catcher - Defeat a Catcher
- Refreshing nap - Restore health by sleeping for the first time
- Boots are couriers' best friend - Change footwear for the first time
- Made to deliver - Deliver 700 cargo items
- Courier pumped - Deliver 3,000 kg of cargo
- Experienced traveler - Travel 80km and complete an order
- Grab the God particle - Find Higg's house
- Rest in pieces - In an AC area, cut an umbilical cord for the first time without being seen by the ACs
- Storm delivery - Exchange items with another courier for the first time
- Sweet dreams, little BB - Calm a BB and make him stop crying for the first time
- A scream in the dark - Send a message and get reply for the first time
- Public delivery service - Place a chirally contaminated freighter in a crater lake for the first time
- pioneers - Upgrade all types of structures to the maximum level
- I can't keep it still - Pee outdoors for the first time
- All roads lead to the UCA - Complete your first road
- Sounds fulfilling - Play music for the first time
- Building bridges - Reach Rank 1 in Bridge Link
- Homo Faber - Craft all available weapons and equipment
As anticipated, conquering all the trophies in Death Stranding will not be something hasty: the company will take you about 60/80 hours, but it will not be such a complicated undertaking.
► Death Stranding is an Adventure-type game developed by Kojima Productions and published by Sony for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 08/11/2019 The version for PC came out on 14/07/2020
Death Stranding is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 93%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Death Stranding Review