Here is the method to use the mysterious Little Gift in Destiny 2: Forsaken.
Destiny 2: The Renegades the major expansion of the title Bungie has finally come out, and as always, the Guardians' adventure will be accompanied by several mysteries and secrets that will keep players glued to the screen for some time. To make your life easier, waiting to read our review therefore, we are ready to reveal one of these mysteries, here's how to use the Little Gift on Destiny 2: Forsaken.
As you proceed, you will find spoilers about the Destiny 2: Forsaken end-game.
The Little Gift is an object that can be dropped in the end-game of the game, more precisely during the activities of the Dreaming City. The first step to obtain it is therefore to unlock access to the Dreaming City through the relative achievement obtainable immediately after finishing the campaign. Once the new area is unlocked, therefore, free to wander around these magnificent lands, you can try your hand at searching for chests and carrying out the usual activities (businesses, patrols, public events). By doing all this, you will be able to drop a legendary rarity item similar to a diamond that will end up in the quests section of the inventory.
This small item will grant you an assured drop of a level 500 legendary weapon from the Dreaming City unique set (repeatable several times, you just need to re-drop the Little Gift once used), to retrieve the weapon you will have to offer the Little Gift to one of the small cat statues that are hidden around the map. The most convenient to reach of these statues is located in the landing area of the Dreaming City: Divalian Mists, once here you will have to head left until you find a tree on a cliff. Exactly throwing yourself into the overhang at the tree (if you want to see it better move to the right side of the overhang to locate the cave from there) you will find a small cave at the bottom of which, near the large statues, you will find the little cat. The drop will be random, but we guarantee that these weapons will be great for end-game activities pending those of the raid.
Let us know what weapons you will find, as the auto rifle in this set is one of the most coveted end-game weapons to date.
► Destiny 2 is an Action-FPS game developed by Bungie Vicarious Visions and published by Activision for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 06/09/2017 The version for PC came out on 24/10/2017
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