Destroy All Humans officially comes out today: this is the remake, by the Black Forest Games team, of the original title published in the now distant 2005. We had the opportunity to tell you about this new version published by THQ Nordic on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in our review.
Today instead we want to take you to discover the complete list of trophies obtainable within Destroy all Humans; we are talking about a total of 26 bronze trophies, 11 silver, 3 gold and the inevitable platinum trophy! You can find it all below:
Bronze Trophies
- In the old factory: invade the Turnipseed farm.
- The charm of Rockwell: invade Rockwell.
- Holy Immodesta: invade Santa Modesta.
- Vivisection: invade Area 42.
- Evasion and invasion: invade Union Town.
- Enhanced Crypto: Upgrade Crypto in Pox's lab on the mothership.
- Upgraded disk: Upgrade your flying saucer in Pox's lab on the mothership.
- Up to the challenge: Return to an invasion site without missions and complete a challenge.
- The Invasion of the Body Snatchers: try a new look for Crypto in the archives of the mothership.
- The return of the clones II - Revenge: Repeat a mission on the holodeck of the mothership archives.
- Accelerated harvest: Accelerate brain extraction or the Transmogrifier by pressing the button wildly.
- Destructive efficiency: Destroy two humans at the same time using a weapon and a psionic ability respectively.
- Secret thoughts- Avoid blowing cover by scanning humans' primitive thoughts.
- Harvest season: retrieves a Furon probe.
- Creative abduction: Throw something at something else using the flying saucer tractor beam.
- Furonigami: Explore the most mysterious parts of the mothership.
- Forced recycling- Use the Transmogrifier on an object to retrieve ammo.
- Rocket shot: dodge a rocket with a dash.
- Brain absorption: consumes a human brain to activate the regeneration of your shields.
- Bounce as it passes you: Use your flying saucer Bounce-o-Tron to avoid homing missiles.
- Fuel thief: Kidnap and drain a vehicle to restore your flying saucer shields.
- Human collision: Destroy a human by throwing another human with telekinesis at him.
- A taste of inhumanity: Destroy more humans with a human-made explosive.
- Come da tradizione: kidnap a cow with your flying saucer.
- Pyrokinesis: set something on fire and then use it to destroy a wretched human.
- Juggling number: Throw a human into the air and keep it flying without it touching the ground.
Silver Trophies
- Capital punishment: invade Washington.
- Perfect center: Demonstrate the Furon's aviation prowess by hurtling through a sweet giant without getting dirty
- Shark friends: Find a sign prohibiting feeding sharks and prove that you don't take orders from humans.
- Unilateral disarmament: Destroy an annoying primate warlord once and for all.
- Withdrawal: Destroy the pathetic human attempt to have a robotic supreme leader.
- Kidnapping champion: Get three stars in an Abduction challenge.
- King of Furon races: Get three stars in a Race challenge.
- Furia Furon: Get three stars in a Fury challenge.
- Armageddon art: Get three stars in an Armageddon challenge.
- Alien handyman: Get at least two stars for each type of challenge.
- Maximum boost: Fully upgrade one of the branches of a weapon or skill.
Gold Trophies
- Space ace: overcome all challenges!
- The mandatory option: Complete all optional mission objectives! You can also use the holodeck.
- For the glory of the Furon empire: destroy the last hope of humanity and initiate the subjugation of the species.
Platinum Trophies
- Furon perfection: get all trophies.
And with this last platinum you will have conquered all the trophies of Destroy all Humans, subduing once and for all the human race.
► Destroy All Humans! is a Shooter-Adventure type game developed and published by THQ Nordic for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 31/07/2020
Destroy All Humans! is a nice game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 82%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Destroy All Humans Review!