In Deus Ex: Human Revolution multiple Easter Eggs are scattered here and there, EpicTrick offers you a list:
- Reference to the movie "Demolition Man"
Seeing the video just below you can see the easter egg of the "three shells", which is the means used in the future of Demolition Man instead of the common toilet paper. Stallone in the film, awakened in the future will find this change bizarre and in Deus Ex you can find the three shells lying on a bathroom cave.
- Reference to the movie "Fight Club"
In the men's bathroom at The Hive you will find a data pad that will give you the code to access the room. The data pad will be accompanied by a message saying that someone has violated the "first rule", which is to never talk about what is going on in the basement. The whole bears the signature "T."
- Reference to the movie "Robocop"
In the Detroit police station you will see a policeman sitting behind a desk intent on talking about the aforementioned film together with another agent. As if that weren't enough, the policeman in the chair is called Alex Murphy, Robocop's real name.
- Final Fantasy XXVII Poster
In Pritchard's office if you look closely next to the image of the motorcycle you will see a poster announcing the twenty-seventh episode of the Final Fantasy saga. A video that illustrates the exact point:
- Soundtrack of the first Deus Ex
If you've played the first Deus Ex and you miss the soundtrack, just retrieve the gramophone and play it to hear the soundtrack of the Paris Cathedral level.