Even in Dishonored 2 the precious safes are back, inside which it will be possible to recover collectibles together with large sums of money. There are different ones for all the chapters and there is no real list of combinations that can be used, being "randomly generated" in each game. In the following guide, in fact, we will try to show you how to follow the clues towards the various combinations.
Dishonored 2 Combinations and Safes
Safe 1 - Dr. Galvani's office
After leaving Dunwall Tower, enter the building on the left and look for the laboratory. Behind the painting of Lady Boyle, the combination is hidden: the only one is the same for all matches (451).
Safe 2 - Karnaca Enclave
After passing the electrical wall, go inside the Enclave, the reddish building next to the drain. The safe will be located in the Deputy Priest's office and will contain a rune. To open it, the document “The seven constraints” must be retrieved from the same room. Subsequently it will be necessary to go to the room with the projector and retrieve "Salvation in constraints". In essence, this second document will suggest what the main constraints will be, and from them you can derive the combination
Safe 3 - Winslow
The safe is located in the Winslow Safe Shop near Addermire Station. The combination will be inside the cash register.
Safe 4 - Addermire Institute Lobby
It is located within the main area of Addermire. Following the wire of the electrified wall up to the ceiling on the right, you will find two safes (one of which is already open). To open the second one, you will have to retrieve the note on the desk at the entrance.
Safe 5 - Dr. Vasco's office
Before continuing your dialogue with Dr. Hypatia, go to the back of the laboratory and chat with Vasco. (Spoiler) In case you haven't been able to talk to him, get the note from his body. In both cases, he will provide you with the place and combination.
Safe 6 - Clockwork Mansion
In the Aventa district, go to the second floor of the residential building. After you find the safe, go to the hall and read the combination on the back of the board.
Safe 7 - Royal Conservatory
The large central safe in the fly-infested area opens for the combination at the area black market. It can be either bought or stolen.
Safe 8 - The furnace
Inside the boiler room you will find the chest. Getting the combination requires a trip to the past: take a dog's body and throw it into the crematorium. By doing this, the wasps will no longer find the meat to make a nest and will leave the area uncovered, so that you can read the combination on the wall.
Safe 9 - Winslow Safe Company
At the Winslow Company store, retrieve a key from the registry and go to the apartment right next to the wall of light. This was closed by the guards because it was too close to the wall, but with the key you will be able to enter it. The safe (1-2-3) will open with the combination drawn on the large painting next to it.
Safe 10 - First Captain
Inside the Grand Palace, on the second floor you will find the safe in the captain's office. A note on the desk will suggest that the combination is in the Duke's private office on the fourth floor. Go to it and read the note on the desk to get it.
Safe 11 - Dr. Galvani (2)
The same safe can be opened a second time at the end of the game. The combination is always the same.
Other combinations
Powder District - The Jindosh Lock
Go to Durante's office in The Crone's Hand pub. You will discover that the combination was confiscated by Byrne, and you can retrieve it in his office on the third floor of the Overseer's Stronghold. If you don't want to move too much, try to solve the five women riddle.
Powder District - The gateway to the black market
The door to the black market is locked with a three-digit code. Go to the shopkeeper's house (from the back) and break the wooden board that prevents you from opening the door. Look for a note next to the wedding card, which will indicate the month. On the calendar next to it, read the date circled in the month and you will have your combination.
A crack in the Slab - The studio
The door to the study is closed and in order to enter it will be necessary to obtain Aramis Stilton's diary from the past. Go up to the second floor of the main hall, kill all the wasps and go back to the past. You will find his body slumped in the nearby garden.