As in any self-respecting JRPG, too in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot there will be merchants from which to buy and sell items using the game world currency, the Zeni. Completing the subquests, helping the various NPCs we meet during the adventure, will be profitable in terms of items and experience points, but not of Zeni.
This valuable currency it will be used to purchase healing items and ingredients from various merchants and the small nest egg with which we will start our game will soon be extinguished. But then, how are we going to earn some Zeni in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot?
In the title developed by CyberConnect2 "bargaining items" have been included that we can sell to merchants.
It won't be difficult to get them, in fact Trade items can be acquired by hunting animals and dinosaurs or by fishing. In other cases we will get trendy earrings, urns and necklaces by completing the various activities.
Alternatively, we will be able to collect the Seven Dragon Balls, summon Shenron and express the desire to become rich: in this way we will get a good dose of items to resell.
These items are not used to unlock fancy trophies of the Bandai Namco title but theirs only use is to be sold to obtain Zeni useful for purchasing other equipment, so feel free to get rid of it as soon as possible.
► Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is an Adventure-RPG game developed and published by Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 31/12/2019