FIFA 19 continues its unstoppable rise. Like it or not, branded football EA Sports it is one of the most loved, played games, and why not, also discussed in our country and beyond. We at EpicVideogamesguide.com, after showing you the best players to choose from in Ultimate Team, have decided to continue our adventure in the company of the sports title of Electronic Arts, this time extending our range of action to a broader discourse.
In this new appointment, in fact, we want to dedicate ourselves to a fundamental aspect to win and convince once "on the field" and not only within Ultimate Team. We refer to the choice of the best module to use, the best tactics (defensive, offensive, etc.) and the most appropriate instructions to apply to the various players. We would like to clarify, however, that all information is based on our direct experience with the title and, therefore, are not to be considered as infallible or mandatory.
Are you ready for this new round of information?
Modulo 4-1-2-1-2 (stretto)
The first module that we would like to recommend is the one that is clearly our favorite. The writer has, so far, always used it, especially within Ultimate Team. The 4-1-2-1-2 or 4-3-1-2 narrow is a module that does not require the help of outside midfielders and is strongly based on the quality of the midfield and the two strikers. The first piece of advice we would like to give you, therefore, is to strengthen the midfield, trying to focus on elements that are valid in several aspects of the game: making a midfield with all offensive or defensive players is not a winning choice, and the right balance would be that to choose two pairs of players with characteristics that are equal.
As you can see from the image, we have decided to focus on two offensive players like Milinkovic-Savic (which also guarantees excellent defensive coverage) and Pjanic, moved to the role of finisher and therefore with less coverage costs, and two defensive players like Matuidi and Khedira, still very skilled in insertions and in offensive play. Having fixed the midfield, the next step is to aim for level defense full-backs, who will be the only ones to act on the flanks given the lack of advanced winger. We bet on two Roma players, Florenzi, real joker, e Kolarov which also guarantees a great danger on set pieces. The full-backs, with this form, must know how to defend and attack in a practically fair way and it will not be easy to find the right men. As for the tips (do not follow our example) it is good to focus on elements with different characteristics, able to complete each other and be differently dangerous in the offensive phase.
This module is recommended for all those who love to pass the ball or the famous “tiki-taka” a lot, and therefore on a style of play that is based on possession and team play. Be careful though, because it has its flaws. In the offensive phase you will notice an excessive staticity of the strikers, while the defensive one the absence of the outside midfield will be felt in the retreat phase.
Module 3-5-1-1
The form used by Simone Inzaghi in Latium, a variant with a single tip and a trimmer on the shoulders, is one of our favorites, and not only for the white-blue vein that flows rigorously in us.
Obviously, the first thing to do if you decide to use this module is to start supporting the defense as best as possible, the real watershed of the situation. The three central players chosen, in fact, will have to be skilled in marking but also quick of legs, to avoid succumbing to the offensive raids of the opponents. Especially on the wings, then, everything becomes even more dangerous, which is why our advice is to focus on good players even in the defensive phase. As you can see, in the case of Lazio, the two outsiders are practically added defenders, but at the same time also skilled in the attacking phase. Different speech regarding the midfield: the best idea is to focus on elements able to participate as much as possible in the defensive phase, leaving perhaps only one element (in this case Milinkovic) the offensive phase, in support of the attacking midfielder.
The latter is better if left firmly ahead, so as not to isolate too much the only point (Immobile), which inevitably must be one of those who rarely make mistakes in front of goal.
This module is very unscrupulous and does not lend itself easily to all types of players: if you get your hands on it, however, it can become truly devastating.
Module 4-3-3
Any self-respecting football fan will know that, by now, almost all teams use this form. But what you may not know is that the very famous 4-3-3 lends itself to many interpretations of the game of football, making it much less "obvious" than it may seem.
Each coach, in fact, interprets the module in his own way, giving life to always different solutions. The 4-3-3 of Liverpool, for example, is a very balanced form, which involves the use of two extremely defensive full-backs, a halfback in front of the defense and the use of the "false 9" instead of the breakout point: a form offensive, but who takes care of balancing the extreme offensive vein of the two attacking outsiders, very fast and very dangerous. The 4-3-3 of Sarri's Napoli, on the other hand, was a 4-3-3 based on ball possession and speed, with practically every player (except the two central defense) called to participate in the offensive maneuver.
Then there is Real Madrid's 4-3-3, which relies heavily on counterattacks and counterattacks. The common element is certainly the high rhythm and the general speed of action, but it is still clear how the module lends itself to multiple interpretations. For this reason, the 4-3-3 is one of the most versatile modules, suitable for different types of players and which lends itself to all needs. Of course, you have to deal with an attack that is complicated to manage, given that the central tip often remains "isolated" from the action if not properly supported.
However, it remains the most popular module.
Module 4-4-2
The most classic form of all, the classic 4-4-2, has made a comeback in recent years. Thanks in particular to its use by the “Cholo” Diego Simeone with his Atletico Madrid, the module has made a strong return to the football scene.
In the 90s, however, the module in question was practically the rule, with its great balance in the middle of the field, on both sides. Even the videogame counterpart of the module in question offers the same security: balance. Our advice, if you decide to use it, is to choose the players based on this lucky axiom, thus relying on a more defensive midfielder and a more offensive one, a "classic" central striker and a more technical and faster one and so on. . Another tip is to aim for very offensive winger, with full back coverage behind you.
In any case, the 4-4-2 is a difficult module to interpret: the man less in the middle of the field can cause trouble against the strings of 4-3-3 and 3-5-2 that you will find against and, therefore , our advice is to evaluate its use well. We, in a nutshell, really like it very much!
Tactics and instructions
One of the most interesting innovations introduced in FIFA 19 is that of dynamic tactics. By selecting them previously, of course, you can choose in the game to change the form, defensive and offensive approach with the simple use of the directional keys. For this reason, tactics management has also been revised, with a more intuitive and complete system for giving instructions to your team.
As can be seen from the image, although very simple and intuitive, the system allows you to manage various options, which offer a more than satisfactory general calculation. On the pitch, then, the differences will always be noticed, net of all the clichés that the title carries with it. You can decide to always press the opposing players, to give them more space, to play narrow or wide, to attack with all the men or just with a couple of players, and so on.
The instructions in the image above are the ones we used, which offer us a decent defensive cover but also an excellent offensive vein. Alternatively, you can try to change the attack style to "Quick Maneuver", which we have already tested, which leads players to take more risks when building the game, which, however, exposes to a risk of high counterattack. You can also choose to let the opponents play by relying on the counterattack, obviously with the right form.
Our advice is to always use the same module for both the defensive and offensive phases, only going to change the instructions: is your favorite module a 4-4-2? Then use it both to set up a maneuver devoted to defense, and one devoted to attack, perhaps to recover a goal from a disadvantage in the last minutes, but using more offensive settings such as more players in the area and so on, without resorting to different modules. Same thing, as we said, for the defensive phase: cover up by setting the attackers to fall back in defense or the central midfielders not to "push" can prove to be a more prudent choice than barricading yourself behind with five defenders, believe us.
It is clear that the management of the instructions given to individual players also assumes a certain importance.
The instructions, albeit with a limited shot, can be given to every single player on the team. We repeat, this is not a very advanced “managerial” feature but which, if managed well, can offer various satisfactions to the player.
Is giving orders to the various elements on the field really important? The answer is yes, albeit with some reservations. Players won't always respect your instructions to the letter, but the overall picture is positive. In our case, as you can see from the photo above, we applied the instructions based more on the elements in the field, rather than the interpretation of the role itself. Miralem Pjanic, for example, in the role of attacking midfielder (COC) is a real constant danger, but has a defensive attitude that is anything but flourishing and a physique that tends to “discharge” quickly. For this reason, our advice, in cases like this, is to leave the player ahead by exempting him as much as possible from falling back in defense, and to keep him still in position, to better manage the role without losing ground in the middle of the field. .
The attackers, for example, can be managed in different ways: you can ask the strikers to stay central, play wide or enter behind. But not only: at the strikers you can also ask or not to fall back in defense, to pick up the team or to act as a "false 9", therefore to often go and get the ball and half the field and to support the team mates more likely.
Defenders, especially full backs, can also have several different types of instructions: central players may or may not participate in the offensive maneuver, full backs can always push or stay more balanced, and so on. Our advice is to always act considering the elements in your possession. For example, since in our team there are elements like Florenzi, his personal indication will be to always overlap, given his undoubted offensive qualities.
final Thoughts
In conclusion, it is good to point out that these are “generic” advice and to be applied, clearly, according to your idea of football. FIFA 19 has made great strides in this regard, although it is not yet a real simulation. Attention to tactics and instructions from this year, however, is certainly more important and, for this reason, we invite you to pay more attention to them, perhaps by reading our guide.
► FIFA 19 is a Sport-type game developed and published by Electronic Arts for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 28/09/2018
FIFA 19 is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 80%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the FIFA 19 Review