The FIFA 21 season has officially come to life. In recent days, the long-awaited next-gen update has also arrived, which has infused new life into a structure that, in itself, continues to push very hard on the accelerator.
To best continue post-launch support that, as usual, is of the highest level, Electronic Arts launched the 2 season, full of rewards spread as usual on the 30-level Season Pass. As per tradition, the two intermediate levels (15 and 30) offer players a triptych of three elements from different leagues, each with fundamentally different roles and characteristics.
Obviously choosing is never easy, even in terms of "hybridization" but do not worry: here we are! As always, we of EpicTrick we are always on track when it comes to FIFA 21 and the FUT and in this article we really want to help you with the choice of Storyline of season 2. Tello? Aidoo? Aspas? Be careful: now we will try to make the point!
Level 15
Pick Number 3: Woo Yeong Jeong (Freiburg, Bundesliga)
Having reached level fifteen, therefore in a fairly short timeframe, you can choose between three players who, to be honest, are more interesting and useful than those of level 30. The choice perhaps less "sexy" among the three is represented by the Korean from Freiburg . Not so much for its characteristics, but rather for the championship of origin. The Bundesliga is not used much this year and consequently the player, having a particular nationality, is difficult to hybridize or to enter the field. Of course, he could always start from the bench, but at that point there are many other alternatives on the market.
Choice Number 2: Joseph Aidoo (Celta Vigo, Spanish Liga)
Very different speech for the second choice, that is the one dedicated to the gigantic central defender of Celta Vigo. There are many valid defenders in the Spanish league but we can guarantee you that, stats in hand, the good Aidoo is a very good choice, also because it is free. Unlike many other defenders in the Spanish league, moreover, the good Aidoo combines great speed with a good defense, combined with a sensational physique. Of course, being Ghanaian it has limited links, and therefore it is recommended almost exclusively to those who use a team from the Spanish Liga.
Choice number 1: Andrès Tello (Benevento, Serie A)
And we come to the recommended choice: the good Andrès Tello, Benevento Calcio midfielder. And yes, even in this case, being Colombian, it is a choice linked almost exclusively to those who use an Italian Serie A. Tello, we have personally tried it, is a really good player, complete and who can easily stay on the pitch even at high levels. He convinced us, he didn't seem weak in any of the main aspects, although we did notice a bad tendency to miss simple steps, especially as the final minutes of the game approached. Overall, however, Tello is an excellent midfielder for how the gameplay of FIFA 21 is structured, perfect for a Serie A but also very valid starting from the bench.
Level 30
Choice Number 3: Alessio Romagnoli (AC Milan, Serie A)
Ok, we admit, before the team of the week, probably, the defender of Milan and the Italian national football team would have been our first choice. But of course, having a virtually identical card released, the Season Pass Reward Card is pretty much useless, albeit it clearly has some higher stats. It is useless to dwell too much: Romagonoli is a good defender for a full Serie A, but for a few credits you can already buy a virtually identical card. Who makes you do it?
Pick Number 2: Naby Keita (Liverpool, Premier League)
That of Naby Keita, discreet and after all anonymous, for the standards of FIFA 21, obviously, Liverpool's central midfielder would have been our last choice, before the TOTW, also for the great breadth of choice that the English league offers. In short, Keità can serve you almost exclusively to link the various Van Dijk and Joe Gomez, but not for much else. Sure, it's still 85 but, trust me, there are billions of top players in the Premier League that can be bought for four pennies (Sissoko, let's talk about you!)
Choice Number 1: Iago Aspas (Celta Vigo, Spanish Liga)
We return to Spain, precisely to Celta Vigo, for this first recommended choice of the second season, a choice that, once again, is practically obligatory. In reality, Aspas also came out in the team of the week, and therefore becomes almost useless, but "for free" is still a good choice, perhaps starting from the bench. The Spanish striker has in fact from his excellent shooting statistics and an interesting bodytype for a striker, combined with a 4-star "weak foot" that certainly make him a bad customer, especially in the more advanced stages of the game.
We repeat: it is a storyline parterre that is anything but inviting but, perhaps, by following our instructions you could maximize your choices in a season that, unfortunately, does not offer great quality from this point of view.
That's really all for this appointment, but don't go away: our insights dedicated to FIFA 21 Ultimate Team continue!
► FIFA 21 is a Sports-type game developed by Electronic Arts and published by EA Sports for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and | , the video game was released on 09/10/2020
Version for PlayStation 5 from 03/12/2020
Version for Xbox Series X from 03/12/2020