Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is a remake of the classic 1992 Fire Emblem Gaiden. Originally released as the second installment of the series, Fire Emblem Gaiden was only available in Japan. In this simple and short guide we will give you some tips that will help you to approach this fantastic turn-based strategy game, thus making Alm and Celica's journey much easier and more fun even for newcomers to the series.
- Unlike the recent installments of the series, the “Rock, Paper and Scissor” system that dictates the rules on the effectiveness of a weapon (spears beat archers, swords beat spears, etc.) has been completely removed. Instead, the player is given the opportunity to experiment with different game tactics. Don't be afraid to improvise when needed to make sure you always come out victorious in a fight.
- Spells cost hit points to cast, so always keep an eye out for wizards and clerics. Remember to keep their health high and prevent them from dying in battle.
- Considering that Shadows of Valentia based on an older title in the series, some battles are much more difficult to complete than other titles. Don't be afraid to withdraw from a fight to avoid losing a unit. We also recommend that you initially approach the title while maintaining a low difficulty level, to realize the power of the enemies in advance. On the second run, you can indulge yourself and increase the difficulty.
- Units will only be able to carry one item at a time, so think carefully about the purpose you want to give them during the fight. Many units will be more effective if they carry a healing item with them, while others will be stronger with weapons and shields equipped so they can increase their stats.
- Villagers can be upgraded to any other base class in the game, such as Cleric, Mage, Mercenary, Soldier, or Archer. It would be preferable to have a single unit for each different class. We refer you to the list of characters to help you with this.
- Explore the zones as they become available so that you can unlock new items and find valuable chests waiting to be opened.
- Visit the statues of Mila at the end of the dungeons to find new areas where you can promote units, explore memory prisms, and more.
Other Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia guides:
- All characters from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
- How to change or evolve classes in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
- Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, useful tips