In Fire Emblem: Three Houses the level of Support with your companions is fairly important to develop s with them, but especially if you want to recruit characters from other houses. In this regard, we recommend that you read our Guide to the best characters to recruit.
There are several actions that will increase this parameter, such as the right answers in the dialogues, actions during battles, returning lost items in the monastery, and giving away certain items. Among the gifts that can be given there are also the fiori.
Normally Fire Emblem: Three Houses gives us the opportunity to buy flowers to celebrate a character's birthday, but this action is pretty standard. By planting flower seeds in the Greenhouse and by going to collect them the following week we will be able to get special flowers instead that we can give directly to the characters. Each flower will be particularly appreciated by specific characters:
- Anemone: Hilda
- Carnation: Edelgard
- Sunflower: Petra, Shamir, Alois
- Lavender: Mercedes
- Do not forget me: Ignatz, Flayn
- Orchid: Lysithea
- Orchid of the Valley: Marianne
- Carnivorous plant: Bernadette
- Rose: Lorenz
- Bride veil: Cyril
- Viola: Ashe
Now that you know all the tastes of the characters, you are ready to wreak havoc on hearts!
► Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a turn-based-RPG-Tactical game developed by Nintendo Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 26/07/2019
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fire Emblem: Three Houses review