As written in our review, in the initial stages of Fire Emblem: Three Houses we will be asked to choose one of the three houses that give the title to this latest chapter of the Intelligent Systems saga. The most scrupulous players, especially those who are not satisfied with sympathy but who want to consider all aspects of their choices, could therefore immediately get stuck in this dilemma.
In this guide we will therefore show you the general characteristics of each house to give you an idea of what to expect and make your choice more consciously.
However, we specify that the propensities that we will indicate for each house are general. In reality all three classes have enough members within them to be sufficiently balanced in the composition of a fairly heterogeneous party. We also specify that the default skills of the characters are only indicative to understand what general type of unit they are, in practice they can be redirected by the player.
The reference family of the Adrestian Empire is the one with the greater number of practitioners of magic, and is therefore perfect for players who prefer this type of approach to combat. In addition to Hubert, who is one of the most powerful wizards in the game and one of the very few to have immediate access to black magic, there are Lindhart and Dorothea (who can learn the very useful Meteor magic); even Edelgard can be used effectively as a sorceress. Thanks to her charisma the leader of the house is one of the main reasons why the Black Eagles are the most chosen class among the players of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is also true that this house is (avoiding spoilers) perhaps the best interconnected with the overall history of the game.
Here are the basic skills of each character:
- Edelgard: Ax - Command
- Hubert: Reason - Command
- Ferdinand: Spear - Ax
- Lindhart: Reason - Faith
- Caspar: Ax - Fists
- Bernadette: Lancia - Arco
- Dorothea: Sqpada - Reason
- Petra: Sword - Ax
The reference house of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus with Prince Dimitri as its leader is the one that is overall excels in close combat with swords, spears and axes. It is no coincidence that she is the only one who has five male and three female members, of which two are the only wizards by default. If you are a player who prefers to overwhelm opponents with overwhelming physical power and skill with weapons, the Blue Lions will definitely be for you. While not as crucial as Edelgard, Dimitri still plays a central role in the overall story; moreover, several missions that we will undertake during the various chapters of the first part of the game are focused on some members of this house.
Here are the basic skills of each character:
- Dimitri: Launch - Command
- Dedue: Ax - Fists
- Felix: Sword - Fists
- Ashe: Ax - Bow
- Silvan: Spear - Ax
- Mercedes: Reason - Faith
- Annette: Reason - Command
- Ingrid: Sword - Spear
If attacking from a strategic distance is your prevailing approach in battle, the House of Golden Deer may be the right choice for you, as it is the one with the greater number of archers. Taken together, the members of this class are a bit lacking in terms of close attack and defense, but they still have the mighty Raphael on their side to protect them and, above all, Lysithea, who is probably the most powerful sorceress in the whole game.
Here are the basic skills of each character:
- Claude: Bow - Command
- Hilda: Spear - Ax
- Lorenz: Lancia - Reason
- Raphael: Ax - Fists
- Ignatz: Sword - Bow
- Lysithea: Reason - Authority
- Marianne: Sword - Faith
- Leonie: Lancia - Arco
We close this guide with a reassurance: there is no right or wrong choice for the choice of the house in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. As you have noticed, the propensities of each are mitigated by the presence of members who balance the group. Also remember that, if you really feel a lack of battle in your group, you can enlist some members of the rival houses, and to do so, just follow our Guide to recruitable characters.
If, on the other hand, you are afraid of losing important pieces of history, know immediately that Fire Emblem: Three Houses is not a game of one run and away, but in all probability it will involve you to the point of pushing you to undertake the storylines of the other houses.
► Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a turn-based-RPG-Tactical game developed by Nintendo Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 26/07/2019
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fire Emblem: Three Houses review