The new season of Fortnite was released with a very special surprise guest: Deadpool. Unlike the new Season 2 skins, Deadpool will unlock as you progress through the Battle Pass with secret challenges. The first of these challenges will be that of “Finding Deadpool's letter to Epic Games“: let's see how.
First of all, you will need to purchase the Battle Pass, once purchased you can unlock access to dedicated features such as the "Deadpool's Hideout".
To do this, go to the Battle Pass section from the main menu. There you will find the Deadpool symbol in the right area of the room, click on it to enter Deadpool's hideout. Once you are there, click on the computer to view the current weekly challenges that you will need to complete to unlock the Deadpool skin. Don't worry that there will only be one challenge available, the second will appear once the first is completed.
To find Deadpool's letter to Epic Games you will have to leave the computer screen showing Deadpool's challenges and on the hideout floor you will find the letter. Select the letter to read it and then return to the computer screen to find out what the next challenge is.
Once you've completed the first two challenges, you'll earn a Deadpool badge. However, the challenges will continue over the next few weeks and we will keep you updated with guides dedicated to solving the new challenges. We remind you that Fortnite has introduced several new features in this Season 2 such as the new Chaos Engine and support for DirectX 12.
► Fortnite is an FPS-Battle Royale type game developed by Epic Games People Can Fly and published by Epic Games for PC, Mac, Android, iOS, PlayStation Network, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 25/07/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 12/06/2018
Fortnite is a nice game that we recommend: we decided to evaluate it with a 63%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fortnite Review