The brand new game of The 51 Farm It has many peculiarities that you will hardly find in other titles, and for this we want to try to help you in obtaining all the trophies, obviously including the platinum one.
The game's memory system will allow us to move easily from one "level" to another, allowing us to easily perform the required tasks and unlock various game trophies. Below you can find the complete list of trophies, those related to the story will obviously be unlocked as you progress with the game and therefore do not have a particular description.
- Quick solution
Correctly fix the electrical circuit problem and let John Lyndon dive into his memories.
- Survivor syndrome
Make Boyce survive the ADS hit.
- Call the plumber
Tamper with the pipes to distract ADS security.
- Death can wait
Scan Albert Hall while still alive.
- Manslaughter
Scan Albert Hall's corpse.
- Where is my music?
Distract Walt Kaufmann.
- Overdose
Survive the hallucination in the asylum garden.
- In the lion's den
Collect all the evidence on the secret hideout of the criminal mind.
- Gasoline on the fire
Free a couple of followers.
- Ready and loaded
Collect three ammo charges during a single stay in the asylum.
- Benefit of the doubt
Help Jared escape.
- A crazy tea
Get John some water.
- No cake
Make sure Bimbo arrives safely at the party.
- Cat eyes
Recognize the live dancer before he attacks you.
- Painful memories
Remember the consequences of the kidnapping.
- Unreliable storyteller
Find out the truth about Jasper's murder.
- Destroyed
Remember your loss.
- Bitter love
I'll always be with you…
- Report of an apocalypse
Find out who is the real architect of the kidnapping.
- Take control
Absorb an enemy.
- Strong man saves helpless woman
Collect all the evidence on Grace's kidnapping.
- Diagnosis
Collect all the evidence in building B.
- Intensive treatment
Collect all the evidence in building C.
- I confess!
Collect all the on-hit evidence at ADS.
- All in order
Collect all the evidence on the murder case at the warehouse.
- In extremis
Collect all evidence on J.
- I work from the inside
Collect all the evidence from the kidnappers' hideout.
- Trojan Horse
Collect all evidence on Rose Atkins.
- Beyond the veil
Escape the asylum.
- Cogito ergo sum
Unlock a hidden memory.
- Clean work
Infiltrate the building where they keep Jasper without setting off the alarm.
- Chronic survivor
Help Boyce break out of the asylum.
- Action hero
Take out all the criminals in the main hall of their lair in 30 seconds.
- Converted
Make John Keating survive until the party and confront his new belief.
- Transcendence
Leave the world of memories.
- Not traceable
Infiltrate a memory without triggering the defense mechanisms.
- Gnosis
Unlock all hidden memories.
- Ghost warrior
Reach the meeting point in the swamp without raising the alarm.
- Not omnis moriar
Make peace with Grace.
- Disowned
Say "goodbye".
- Perfect recovery
Collect all trophies.