As we wrote in our review, scattered around the island of Ghost of Tsushima there are numerous objects and places of interest that can be discovered and reached by exploring, but unlike many other open worlds, it is possible to be guided by the game to find them all. these collectibles by setting the wind as our guide. Or rather: almost everyone.
Scattered around the island are secret altars that are not indicated on the map and cannot be found thanks to the wind; not even the yellow birds will carry us towards them. Finding every single secret altar is required to get the trophy Honor the invisible, which of course is needed to cash in on the Ghost of Tsushima Platinum Trophy.
These altars can be more or less showy, but in order to be able to safely recognize that you are in front of one of these it is necessary to identify this sign that we show you below. The sign shows the icon of the bow action, which can be performed by swiping down on the DualShock 4 touch pad.
So every time you find one of these signs it means that you are in front of a hidden altar, and you will have to approach and bow; you will know that you have done everything right if you see an animation that we will show you from time to time.
As a matter of practicality we will order the altars from south to north, but there is no right order in which to find them.
Altar 1
The first altar is located in the area called Peace of Tadayori, a hidden area that we will have to find during a secondary mission of Ghost of Tsushima. You will recognize it immediately for the huge amount of purple flowers. To find out where to look for it, follow the directions on the map.

Altar 2
It is located near the Komasu Forge. If you use the fast travel to reach it, as soon as you get behind you you will see a rise beyond some rocks, follow the path and locate the larger stone sculpture triptych. Bowing you will see a bird leaning on one of them.

Altar 3
From Kechi Village, head towards the river and follow it until you find huts on wooden stilts. Near the water you will see the sign. Bow down and you will see fish jump out of the water.

Altar 4
Use the fast travel to get to the town of Komoda, or better yet to the fox hole south of it, and take the road that turns south and goes to the Kashine Hills. Along the valley you will see a large house among the flowers, and near it you will spot a stone path and a lonely tree surrounded by a small pond. At the foot of that tree you will see a fox statue. Bow down and you will see fireflies appear.

Altar 5
Head to the Yoichi crossroads (if you use fast travel make sure you reach it accurately), and walk south through the wooden portal. After passing it, continue walking south without deviating from the path and you will find yourself exactly in front of the sign. Bow down and you will see fireflies appear.

Altar 6
Start at the Mudstone Staging and head west towards the river. Along its course look for two houses with roofs covered with green moss (it is possible that you will find them surrounded by Mongols, get rid of them). Next to them, near the river bank, you will find the sign. Bow down and you will see fish jump out of the water.

Altar 7
Northeast of Iijima Farm, across the river, slightly northwest of a fox's den, is a Pillar of Honor. Right next to it you will find the sign. Bow down and you will see dragonflies appear.

Altar 8
Reach Umugi Bay, enter the inn with the merchant and exit west; you'll find yourself on a lego walkway that continues slightly north. Go all the way past the warehouse and continuing west, always following the battered wooden structure. You will find yourself in front of the partially hidden sign. Bow down and you will see fish jump out of the water.

Altar 9
Reach the village of Omi and go slightly southeast following the path that goes to the lake just nearby. On the shore you should spot a hut surrounded by yellow flowers, with two fishermen close by. Right there you will also find the sign. Bow down and you will see fish jump out of the water.

Altar 10
Starting from the previous location, continue along Lake Omi to the south and you will come to the tree with the red leaves that you should have already visited during the story of Ghost of Tsushima. Nearby is a wooden dock with the last sign. Bow down and you will see fish jump out of the water.

Congratulations! You have just won one of the hardest trophies in Ghost of Tsushima. After this the platinum rush will be all downhill.
► Ghost of Tsushima is an Adventure-Action game developed by Sucker Punch and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 17/07/2020
Ghost of Tsushima is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 80%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Ghost of Tsushima review