Once your Ghost of Tsushima adventure begins, character Jin will only have broken armor and his trusty katana at his disposal, but you'll need a lot more to win the fight against the Mongols: the long arch and the half arch will be for you. While in the case of the latter it will be impossible not to acquire it, one must be careful because the long bow, which will also be of great help, may not be so easy to find.
Ghost of Tsushima: how to get the semi bow
It's easy to get lost in exploring the vast and fascinating world of the Sucker Punch title. Therefore it is good to check that you have the right paraphernalia with you, before tackling some important missions where ranged weapons could come in handy.
As soon as you finish the prologue and mount your horse, head to Hiyoshi Springs on the east side of the map to learn about Sensei Ishikawa and embark on his mission. Once you meet him in his dojo above the Hiyoshi springs, follow him until he finally gives you the semi-arch. This weapon has good range and can fire fast shots with decent power, too can be upgraded multiple times.
By continuing to complete Sensei Ishikawa's side missions, after engaging him in your combat, he will reward you with the addition of fiery arrows for the semi-bow, which will allow you to set enemies and ground on fire for extra damage.
Ghost of Tsushima: how to get the longbow
Unlike the semi-arc, this weapon could also be completely ignored if you decide to throw yourself headlong through Act 1 and into the second part of the game. After completing the Warrior Code missions, Sensei Ishikawa's Tale, Lady Masako's Tale and Blood on the Lawn, return to Hiyoshi Springs. Here you can appreciate the voice of a musician with a story to tell, which you will meet on the other side of the Bamboo Strike house, above the main entrance. Get the story quest The Curse of Uchitsune for find a legendary arch by tracking down the areas with purple flowers. The path will end with the acquisition of the legendary Long bow, at the end of a challenging duel. This bow automatically zooms in on aiming, has a much longer range than the semi-arc, and deals far more damage, even when used against armor and armored helmets. You can also select explosive arrows that destroy entire areas and terrify enemies.
Obviously, for any other details, don't miss our review