Greedfall has recently been added to the library of free titles available thanks to the PlayStation Plus subscription. We are talking about a very large title, which unravels for many missions, primary and not. Consequently, to complete it it will be necessary to farm, level up your characters and get as many resources as possible. Obviously these processes take time and patience but there are still methods that can shorten the timing by a lot. It's about taking advantage of one aspect of the game, knowing its mechanics to take advantage of it.
There are several ways to get resources in Greedfall, namely by killing monsters (also gaining experience) and collecting them normally. Each of these elements has a sort of in-game timer that clicks as soon as the single monster or single resource is killed / collected. As for the opponents, the respawn time is 4 days in game while for the resources it takes 6 days. This is fundamental information as in Greedfall it is possible to camp and let the time pass, thus shortening the grinding time to have both the resources and the monsters immediately available in a much shorter time.
The area that seems to reward the most is that of San Matheus, where it is easy to find resources, monsters that give good exp and collect nice gold hoards. Other great areas to expare in the Focus Home Interactive title are the arena near the Coin Guard Tavern, in New Serene: use these areas not in the final stages of the game but before, in order to get the maximum performance.
► Greedfall is an RPG type game developed by Spiders and published by Focus Home Interactive for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 10/09/2019
Greedfall is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Greedfall review