Heroes of the Storm reached its version 2.0, and with it new characters such as Genji, D.Va, Malthael, Kel'Thuzad, Ana and Junkrat have appeared. The last hero to enter the fray was Alexstrasza, the dragon of life, able to both heal her team and destroy her enemies with fire and flames. In this guide we will explain how to best use it.
Build Fire
Level at which to learn the Talent | Name of the Talent | Description of the Talent |
Level 1 | Flames of Fury | Quest: Gust of Flames reduces the cooldown of Queen of Dragons. |
Level 4 | Exhaustion of Heat | Increases the slowing effect of Gust of Flames. |
Level 7 | Inner Fire | Gust of Flames regenerates health. |
Level 10 | Purifying Flame | Rain down fire from the sky that heals allies and damages enemies. |
Level 13 | Pacification | Slows down an enemy Hero and reduces their damage dealt. |
Level 16 | Draconic Discipline | Increases the duration of Queen of Dragons. |
Level 20 | Ancient flame | Dragon Queen's attacks apply Flame Blast. |
La Build Fire allows Alexstrasza to deal a large amount of damage over time. At the same time, Inner Fire Level 7 allows for an excellent source of self-care. Level 13 and 20 talents are quite situational, however we recommend Pacification being a rather reliable support technique. If there are a lot of heroes with high health on your team or if you are the only team support Price of Life can be a good substitute. At level 16 Draconic Discipline is a great choice for upgrading your dragon form, which you already get quite frequently by finishing the quest Flames of Fury. At level 20, Ruby wings can be a good alternative to Ancient flame.
Build Cura
Level at which to learn the Talent | Name of the Talent | Description of the Talent |
Level 1 | Life to the maximum | Reduces the cooldown of Gift of Life when high health. |
Level 4 | Eruption of Vitality | Abundance increases movement speed. |
Level 7 | Fire Bud | Gift of Life creates a Fire Blossom when you have high health. |
Level 10 | Protector of Life | Links Alexstrasza's health with that of an ally. |
Level 13 | Price of Life | Heal an ally and damage enemies. |
Level 16 | Hard Love | Gift of Life provides stamina when high in health. |
Level 20 | Ritual of Life | Protector of Life activates several times. |
La Care build it's a great choice if you're the only support on the team. These talents possess a great synergy, and thanks to it this build is very comfortable to play. The first real visible boost will be obtained at level 7, by taking Fire Bud. This feat allows Alexstrasza to heal allies without losing life. If in the enemy ranks there are assassins with sudden damage, Pacification can be a good alternative to Price of Life. At level 16 Hyperprotectivity it is a great choice if you are facing strong enemies with area damage.
- Cho'gall
- Muradin
- Ana
- Diablo
Alexstrasza has a strong affinity for high health champions due to her heroic ability Protector of Life and Price of Life at level 13. Both have enormous potential when used on heroes like Cho'gall, Diablo or Muradin, which will gain large amounts of life as long as Alexstrasza remains in high health. In case of composition with 2 supports, Ana she can be a great choice due to her ability to boost the dragon's healing.
- Illidan
- Genji
- Tracer
Alexstrasza has trouble against heroes with high mobility. They can run after her without major problems, as Alexstrasza has no escape methods unless she is in her dragon form.
Other Useful Guides:
- Guide to the Build Retrorazzi by D.VA
- D.VA's Defensive Matrix Build Guide
- Guide to Synergies and Counters of D.VA
- Guide to Kel'thuzad
- Guide to Ana
- Guide to Junkrat