Heroes of the Storm has reached its version 2.0, and with it new characters have appeared such as Genji, D.Va, Malthael, Kel'Thuzad, Ana, Junkrat, and Alexstrasza. The last hero to enter the fray was Blaze, the Firebat of Starcraft, ready to put everything in the Nexus to fire and sword. In this guide we will explain what are his synergies with allied heroes and which are the counters that can put him in difficulty.
- Arthas
- Kael'thas
- Kerrigan
- Butcher
- Malfurion
- Sonya
Blaze has a high affinity for heroes who can link their stun and root abilities with hers Powerplant and with assassins that allows you to maximize the effectiveness of both area damage and single targets.
- Genji
- Lunara
- Malthael
- Tracer
- Zeratul
Blaze he tends to have problems with high mobility heroes who are unable to evade his Slick of Oil and they are challenging to hit with the charge of Powerplant due to the 0,5 second charge time of this ability. It also suffers heroes like Malthael able to use his large amount of life points against him.