Heroes of the Storm reached its version 2.0, and with it new characters such as Genji, D.Va, Malthael, Kel'Thuzad, Ana, Junkrat, and Alexstrasza have appeared. The latest hero to enter the fray was Blaze, the Firebat from Starcraft, ready to put everything in the Nexus to fire and sword. In this guide we will explain how to set it up with a Build from Bruiser.
Level at which to learn the Talent | Name of the Talent | Description of the Talent |
Level 1 | Adrenaline Stimpack | Activation increases attack speed and movement speed |
Level 4 | Fuel Sticker | Slick of Oil slows enemies when set on fire |
Level 7 | Dot cooking | Mission: Increases the damage and duration of the Oil Slick fire |
Level 10 | Conflagration | Channel the ability, slowing enemies and dealing damage |
Level 13 | Loss of Fuel | Thruster releases a trail of Oil Splatters |
Level 16 | Fire Therapy | Pyromania restores health equal to some damage dealt |
Level 20 | Sudden Flare Up | Conflagration slows enemies and no longer slows Blaze |
With this build, Blaze it will be more oriented on its offensive potential and will be able to inflict a large amount of damage over time. Launch into a group of enemy heroes with Powerplant will immediately allow you to have oil available to burn, the mission up Slick of Oil will maximize the damage and cure of burning patches, the cure associated with Pyromania will allow you to last longer in the middle of battle, and the immediate activation of Conflagration after a charge he will force the enemy team to disperse or take massive damage from Blaze. There are some alternate talents, particularly at level 1 you can select Neural Stimpack, opting for accelerated skill reload times for a short time, rather than attack speed and movement. If you are facing a very static team and are able to score numerous charges with Powerplant, at 16 you can select Thermal Propulsion, which grants 10 of Stamina for 3 seconds for each enemy Hero hit by Powerplant, and will reduce its cooldown by 2 seconds. Finally at 20, always in the presence of an enemy team, you can sacrifice the talent on the heroic to select Cremazione, which allows Basic Attacks to slow enemies and deal sustained damage over time with stacks stacking up to 5 times. It goes without saying that this talent works perfectly with Adrenaline Stimpack.