Within the vast game world behind the signed title Guerrilla Games Horizon Zero Dawn you have the chance to encounter a very large array of robotic creatures. During the adventure you have the opportunity to take control of the latter, as well as to use some of them as mounts and others as simple allies or diversions during the fighting.
To make it possible is theOverride, a technique that Aloy will be able to exploit by gradually unlocking the so-called "Calderoni". The latter represent real underground bunkers where, after facing a series of different machines for each, the player will be able to unlock tiers for the Override.
There are five Calderoni available: Phi, Sigma, Rho, Xi e Zeta. The first of these dungeons, Phi, can be unlocked simply by following the main story, and will allow you to override Tallnecks, Watchers, Stiders, Broadheads and Chargers. The second cauldron, Sigma, located north of the Mother's heart, will be reachable only after having solved a few small puzzles and, once you have reached the core, have faced some Watchers it's a Fire Bellowback. It will allow you to take control of Sawtooths, Scrappers, Grazers and Lancehorns.
To reach the third bunker, rho, just go to the center of the game map Horizon Zero Dawn, and creep into the outer part of a mountain. Defending the place will be slightly more difficult puzzles than the previous ones, followed by Watcher, Snapmaw and some Ravagers near the core. It will give Aloy the ability to Override Tramplers, Shell-Walkers, Snapmaws, Longlegs and Ravagers.
Located at the east end of the map, a south of the Sundial and in the middle of the dense forest, is the Cauldron Xi. Guarded by many bandits e Watcher, the latter can only be reached after having made a bit of a clean sweep in the bandit camps in its vicinity, which will even be present at the level of the cauldron core.
Once the core is activated, additional reinforcements will arrive and, upon exiting, it will be possible to take part in a battle between bandits, Glinthawks e Bellowbacks. It will allow you to take control of Glinthawks, Freeze Bellowacks, Stalkers, Behemoths, Fire Bellowacks.
Last and least guarded is the Cauldron Zeta. Its secret, located entrance top left in front of the dam, is remotely monitored by a Watcher, which can however be reached by climbing a nearby pillar. The path to reach the core will be shorter than that necessary for the previous ones, and to defend the core you will only be faced with a Thunderjaw and some other minor cars.
Once the last dungeon is finished it will be possible to override all the machines in the world of Horizon Zero Dawn, so that you can use them for your own adventures.
► Horizon Zero Dawn is an Action-RPG type game developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony for PlayStation 4, PC and Steam, the video game was released on 28/02/2017
Horizon Zero Dawn is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 92%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Horizon Zero Dawn Review