The Hierarchical System of Mercenaries in Assassin's Creed Odyssey Not only does it push the player to take on a large number of bosses over the course of the game, but it's also a way to get hold of some of the best gear in the game. Here is a detailed explanation of how it works and how to make the most of it.
First of all, who are the Mercenaries? These are powerful enemies who find themselves roaming the entire game world, and as long as the player obeys the law they will not attack him. In the lower right corner of the screen is the bounty indicator, which increases each time an illegal action is taken, from murder to theft. Reached a certain threshold, one of the helmets turns red and it will be at that moment that the Mercenaries will become a problem. The greater the number of crimes committed, the more numerous and stronger the Mercenaries will be on your trail.
To stop being a wanted person, you can pay the fine or kill the client, usually hidden in a fort marked in red on the map.
However, fighting Mercenaries has its advantages. First of all, the items obtained will always be at least of Rare level, sometimes even Legendary. They are also great units if you want to make them Lieutenants: it will be enough to defeat them with a non-lethal method, for example by fighting without weapons.
Each Mercenary has certain skills that determine how he fights and which must be taken into account, some of which are listed below.
- Fight together with a dog, a wolf, a lynx, a bear or a lion
- Inflict or receive increased damage in melee
- Deal or take increased damage at long range
- Inflict or take increased damage from an assassination
- Immunity to stun or push back
- Using fire attacks
- Using poison attacks
- Get angry if he gets serious injuries
- Inflicting or receiving increased fire damage
- Inflict or receive increased damage from poison
Finally, it should be noted that Mercenaries can be dealt with even if you are not a wanted one, provided you find them. But be careful: attacking a Mercenary will draw the anger of all the guards in the immediate vicinity on the protagonist. To remedy the problem, it is enough to walk several times against the Mercenary until he becomes impatient and let him attack.
In the menu there is a tab relating to the Mercenaries, in which it is possible to see where the protagonist is in the hierarchy of bounty hunters. Climbing the hierarchy is actually quite simple: defeating a Mercenary who is higher than you will move you up one rank. It doesn't matter how many they defeat, only their rank compared to their own. As you go up the challenges get more challenging, but the items held by the highest-ranking Mercenaries are some of the best in the game.
Advancing through the ranks of the hierarchy also grants permanent bonuses, listed below.
- Rank 8 - Blacksmiths reduce their prices by 20%
- Rank 7 - Contract and Bounty rewards increase by 20%
- Grade 6 - the incisions cost 20% less
- Rank 5 - removing a bounty costs 20% less
- Rank 4 - Ship upgrades cost 20% less
- Rank 3 - Upgrading items costs 20% less
- Rank 2 - increases the chance of finding better quality items by 10%
Finally, here are some tips for meeting Mercenaries more effectively.
The simplest and most direct method is to indulge in crime; in no time the Mercenaries will begin to be on your trail without even the effort of having to search for them. Alternatively, you can focus on taking them out in a non-lethal way. By doing so there is the possibility of obtaining a Clue which, in addition to yielding a good amount of money, also shows a new Mercenary in the hierarchy.
Lastly, Mercenaries can be found in some particular settlements. One of these is near the start of the game, in the Megaris area, at the Temple of Megara.
► Assassin's Creed Odyssey is an Adventure-Action game developed and published by Ubisoft for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 05/10/2018
Version for Google Stadia from 19/11/2019
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