In Battlefield 1 there are countless field manuals scattered along each mission, thanks to this guide we will discover every single collectible placed in every corner of the game.
Campaign 1: Through Mud And Blood.
Over The Top.
1) Field manual.
The first field manual will be found after taking all three conquest points of the village. Go up the hill thanks to the road, here you will find a barrier made of logs, take a look around, find a barracks next to a pile of debris and shells. The field manual will be there waiting for you.
2) Field manual.
After arriving in the city under enemy bombardment, go up on the right side passing by the fortified church. Here you will find a medical field, look for a long row of pots, behind one of them there will be a chest with the second field manual inside.
3) Field manual.
To find this field manual, you will have to go through the chapel, here thanks to the rear exit you will find a small box placed there near the entrance, inside you will find the 3rd field manual.
4) Field manual.
This manual can be found in a chest along the trench of position D.
5) Field manual.
The last manual of the first campaign can be found along the road of the outpost, here you will find a group of abandoned vehicles, the field manual will be there in a chest.
Fog Of War.
6) Field manual.
The sixth field manual can be found along the course of the second campaign. After fighting along all the outposts, you will have to climb up a path, once at the top you will find yourself near a lush forest, turn left until you find a chest, whose inside is the field manual.
7) Field manual.
During this mission, you will come across a series of ruined buildings, here look around until you see a destroyed church. Once you find the church opposite there will be a Bunker, enter to find the seventh field manual.
8) field manual.
To find this field manual, along the mission you will come across a bridge made of beams, you will have to go down into the stream thanks to the rope. Here you will find the field manual.
9) Field manual.
Along the continuation of the mission, you will come across a bunker, go down inside to find the 9 field manual placed on a crate.
10) Field manual.
The last field manual for this campaign will be in the same location as the previous one, once you get to the hill with the bunkers, behind a pile of garbage you will find a chest with the field manual.
11) Field manual.
The eleventh field manual can be found at the beginning of the mission, continue along the main objective until you reach a shack, here you will find the field manual.
12) Field manual.
To find this field manual, you will have to go down to the village, once you get there, get on the windmill, the field manual will be there.
13) Field manual.
To find this Field Manual you will need to go to the same location as the previous Field Manual. Once in the village, look for a fuel station, there will be a very tall building next to it. Inside up in the attic you will find the field manual.
14) Field manual.
In the same village as the previous collectible, you will find a very large building with a turret, go inside and go up to the window at the top with the machine gun. Here once you arrive you will find the field manual.
15) Field manual.
To find the latest Field Manual for this campaign, you'll need to go back to the village where you got the Eleven Field Manual. Once there, instead of turning right for collectibles eleven and twelve, turn left and continue along the stone bridge. Here you will find a shack with a chest with the field manual inside.
Steel On Steel.
16) Field manual.
Manual number sixteen, you can retrieve it at the beginning of the mission, here you will arrive near a windmill, where there is a chest with the field manual.
17) Field manual.
Down the hill there will be a windmill along the riverbed, the field manual will be inside the riverbed.
18) Field manual.
The eighteenth field manual will be present in the same position as the previous one, all you have to do is find a second windmill along the stream, inside it there will be the field manual.
19) Field manual.
To find this field manual, you will have to continue through the village, here you will find another windmill over the stone bridge, once you get to the mill, all you have to do is climb up and find the field manual.
20) Field manual.
The last field manual of this campaign will be found in another windmill along the stone bridge.
Campaign 2: Friends in High Places.
Fall From Grace.
21) Field manual.
As you are returning to friendly lines, you will need to find a shed along the way, inside there will be the field manual.
22) Field manual.
Along the way back down the hill, where there is a large fire in the center of the buildings destroyed by the bombing. You will find a shed, here in a large puddle of water there will be the field manual.
23) Field manual.
Inside the village, you will find a tent set up as a medical camp, inside it there will be many beds. The field manual will be present in the second row of beds.
24) Field manual.
After arriving near the trench located in the village, you will have to find an alarm tower, once you find it, go down inside it. Here you will find a path made with wooden planks, passed the path inside a box there will be a field manual.
25) Field manual.
To find the latest Field Manual of this campaign, you will have to follow the trench along the no man's land, go up the steps to find the Field Manual.
Fort Et Fidele.
26) Field manual.
During the Fort Et Fidele campaign, roughly halfway through the mission, you will find yourself having to remove rubble to continue the mission, here you will have to find a pile of metal containers, the field manual for this campaign will be present here.
Campaign 3: Forward Savoy.
Or Victory.
27) Field manual.
To find the twenty-seventh field manual, after capturing the area of S. Anastasia, you will have to look to the left, here you will find a tall building, with the field manual inside.
28) Field manual.
Continue to the right along the road that circumnavigates the church, here go up the path until you find a trench, along the latter there will be the field manual.
29) Field manual.
Following the objective of the mission which asks to assault the artillery, you will come near a steep hill. Once at the top of the hill, you will find a trench to the right of the main path. To understand if the place you are looking for is the right one, it must have a wooden platform that covers the trench.
30) Field manual.
Along the main mission, you will continue to explore the bunker, inside, in fact, placed in a corner there will be the field manual.
31) Field manual.
After deactivating the machine gun, make your way up the path until you arrive along two trenches, the field manual will be present along the latter.
Or All Coupled.
32) Field manual.
While following the main objective which is to find Matteo, go down until you find a damaged barn, inside the barn will be the field manual.
33) Field manual.
After fighting along the trenches, to your left will be the objective marker where Marco's unit is located, here will be the field manual.
34) Field manual.
Continue along the mission, until you have to go up a hill, once you reach the top, find a concrete wall, next to it there will be a trench with a bunker. The manual you are looking for is inside the bunker.
35) Field manual.
At the top of the fort, behind the Austrian soldiers, you will find a structure with concrete walls, behind it there will be the field manual you are looking for.
36) Field manual.
This manual is located in the center of the fort, once you get down into the bunker, run to the row of beds to retrieve the field manual.
Campaign 4: The Runner.
Cape Helles.
37) Field manual.
Immediately after getting off the boat, look to your left for the Field Manual.
38) Field manual.
Outside the giant bombardment crater, look to the right of the bombardment to find a path to the right. Here you will find a trench with a field manual inside.
39) Field manual.
Once on the beach, to the right of where the machine gun is, you will find the field manual next to the gun.
40) Field manual.
This manual can be found in the stable along Helles Overlook.
41) Field manual.
To find this field manual again at Helles Overlook, find a shack with a flag, the field manual will be there.
The Runner.
42) field manual.
Enter the house on the far left, here you will find the field manual waiting for you.
43) Field manual.
To find this field manual, you will have to take the dirt path that leads out of town, here you will find a turf with the field manual placed on a crate.
44) Field manual.
To find this manual you will have to look for a house with a net field, here you will find the manual placed under a stone.
45) Field manual.
This manual will be found inside the large building with the dome.
46) Field manual.
When your target tells you to report to command, there will be a house with a destroyed roof on your left, and the field manual inside.
Be Safe.
47) Field manual.
To find this manual you will have to climb the three-story high sniper tower, use the internal staircase to find the field manual on the second floor.
48) Field manual.
Along the walls of the fort, next to the artillery you will find a broken wall, with the field manual placed on a chest.
49) Field manual.
This field manual will be available as soon as you enter the fort, in the quadrangular building on the right.
50) Field manual.
To find this manual, you will have to continue along the corridor of the bunker, here placed in a dead end there will be the field manual.
51) Field manual.
This manual can only be collected after conquering the courtyard in the fort, once you have taken possession of the field, you will have to find a shed with the collectible inside.
Campaign 5: Nothing is Written.
Hidden in Plain sight.
52) Field manual.
This manual will be available in a red car along the wagons perched in the field.
53) Field manual.
This field manual is on the left, along the train crash site.
54) Field manual.
Look for a protruding rock to find the field manual along the train crash.
55) Field manual.
Just beyond the train tracks, there is a dirt path, once you reach the end of the path you will find a tent with the field manual inside.
56) Field manual.
To find this field manual you will have to climb a dune behind the train crash, here you will find a tent with the field manual nearby.
Young Men's Work.
57) Field manual.
At the beginning of the mission, turn right and follow the path that leads into the Canyon, here you will find a camp with the field manual.
58) Field manual.
Up the hill, you will come across a series of rocks, the field manual will be placed here on a chest.
59) Field manual.
Once you get to the mission objective, look for a white building on your right, in fact inside there will be the field manual.
60) Field manual.
This field manual will be retrievable inside the water tower, as soon as the target marker marks Salso message, climb up the tower to find the field manual.
61) Field manual.
This manual will be available in the village where you have to forge the entry message. Once you arrive, look to the right, inside a dilapidated house there will be the field manual.
Hear the Desert.
62) Field manual.
To find this field manual, you will have to go outside the village which is marked as the main objective, once you exit turn right, until you come to a structure with two sides. Here inside you will find the field manual.
63) Field manual.
While in the village marked as the main target, look for the water tower in the distance. Along the road that leads to the latter, you will find on the right a camp with sandbags, the field manual will be inside the tent.
64) Field manual.
To find this field manual, you will have to take the path that leads up to the water tower, once you get near the water tower, on the right near a series of rocks, you will find the field manual.
65) Field manual.
You can find this field manual inside the building with the blue door at point C. Once inside, go up the stairs until you see a chest with the field manual inside.
66) Field manual.
The last field manual available in the game is located near the water tower, once you get to the latter, at the base you will find the field manual in question.