During its first chapter, Destiny got us used to use the goshawk like means of transport, but all players of the new chapter they asked themselves: How to get the goshawk in Destiny 2?
For unlock it exist two ways and they are both very much long and demanding.
Il first method is to focus on finish the campaign then go talk with an old acquaintance: Amanda holliday. After completing the last quest it will be enough for you talk with her and you can choose between three goshawks, so you can return to speeding over the planets in style.
Il second method, which is more tiring than the first, consists inget to level 20 e to unlock la opportunity to buy the bright engrams da Tess everis. Do not despair, there a bright engram will be given for each filling the level bar after reaching the level cap. So arm yourself with luck and you will see that hopefully you will have a nice brand new hawk even before the end of the game.
One piece of advice we can give you is this: the more you play, the more you will have the chance to find a suitable goshawk for you.