Did you know that in Final Fantasy XV Is it possible to collect the OSTs of the most famous chapters of the series and then listen to them again whenever you want on board the Regalia? If you have already started your adventure you will probably already know this gem but, as often happens with collectibles of this genre, Final Fantasy is known for not being particularly inclined to help players. In this guide we will show you how and where to find all the tracks because trust me, it will be worth it.
Not long after starting, your car, the Regalia, will break down forcing you to perform some missions for Cindy. Once completed, you will return to control of the vehicle and consequently of the radio. The traces will be purchased as objects at the various merchants scattered around Lucis, starting with the two obtainable even before returning to the Regalia. Each of them is available under the “Auto” section with the name “Memories of…”. Below, the list with price and where to find them:
- Memoirs of FFIV - 100 Gil
- Memoirs of FFVII - 100 Gil
Longwythe - Leide
- Memoirs of FFII - 100 Gil
Galdin Quay - Leide
- Memoirs of FFV - 100 Gil
Coernix - Alstor - Duscae station
- FFX Memories - 100 Gil
Coernix - Cauthess - Duscae station
- Memoirs of FFIX (Disc 1) - 100 Gil
- Memoirs of FFIX (Disc 2) - 100 Gil
Wiz Chocobo Outpost - Duscae
- FFX Memories - 100 Gil
Coernix Lestallum - Cleigne station
- Memoirs of XIV (Disc 1) - 100 Gil
- Memoirs of XIV (Disc 2) - 100 Gil
Old Lestallum - Cleigne
- Memoirs of Dissidia FF - 500 Gil
- Memoirs of Dissidia 012 FF - 500 Gil
Emporio Souvenir of Burbost - Cleigne
- Memories of FFXI (Disc 1) - 100 Gil
- Memories of FFXI (Disc 2) - 100 Gil
- Memories of FFXI (Disc 3) - 100 Gil
- Memories of FFXI (Disc 4) - 100 Gil
- Memories of FFXI (Disc 5) - 100 Gil
Verinas Mart - Ravatogh
- Memoirs of FFXII - 100 Gil
As you collect them, the tracks will be grouped in the radio menu into albums for each chapter: you just have to get behind the wheel and let yourself be lulled by the notes of JENOVA and other great classics. Do you want to know more? Click here to read our Final Fantasy XV review.