One of the most iconic and mysterious characters in the entire universe of Destiny it is definitely the Titan Saint XIV. With the new expansion: The Curse of Osiris it is possible to obtain the legendary weapon of the famous Titan Slayer of Vex. Here's how to get the weapon: Perfect Paradox in Destiny 2.
Once the main story is over, on Mercury Brother Vance will offer you Lost Prophecies to load which, once loaded and taken to the forge, will each turn into a weapon. To get the Lost Prophecy linked to the weapon of Saint XIV you must first have loaded and transformed 5 Prophecies. Once done, Brother Vance will deliver you the Prophecy called: Lost Prophecy, Another Verse (just what we were looking for).
As soon as you have accepted the object, you will have to complete a mission on Mercury called "Light Signal". Once this simple mission has been completed, it will be necessary to return to Brother Vance who will give you the second step of the enterprise, that is use 6 concentrated materials to charge the Prophecy. The materials as for all the other Lost Prophecies will be obtained in the various game activities (assaults, Crucible, public events and chests).
At this point, once the loading phase of the Prophecy is finished, Brother Vance will tell you, through a mission called "Not even the Darkness", to go to the Mercury of the future and retrieve Saint XIV's personal effects from his tomb. Having completed this step and returned to Brother Vance, you can finally go to the forge where you will transform the Lost Prophecy into the weapon: Perfect Paradox.
We remind you that Destiny 2 is available from September 6 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and from October 24 for PC.