The deck Quest Druid is a deck that uses the Druid's Quest to exploit very strong creatures on the field. In the current meta it is little used due to the aggro that does not give it respite, however with the Naturalization card it is possible to try to compete to reverse the situation. This deck features cards from the latest expansions The Slums of Meccania and Voyage to Una Goro.
How to make a Quest Druid deck for Hearthstone? Here we show you the list of cards needed to develop it.
Druid cards
- Innervation x 2
- Summon Giants x 1
- Naturalization x 2
- Tortolla Harvester x 2
- Lush Growth x 2
- Ira Silvana x 2
- Collolungo Elder x 2
- Sweep x 2
- Nutrition x 2
- Menagerie Keeper x 1
- War Ancient x 2
- Tirannus x 1
Neutral Cards
- Coldlight Oracle x 2
- Barnes x 1
- Stranglethorn Tiger x 2
- The Curator x 1
- Giant Juggernaut x 1
- Ysera x 1
- Y'shaarj x 1
So here are the cards to own for create a Quest Druid deck for Hearthstone. Have fun!