Playing at Mass Effect Andromeda you will encounter various puzzles, created by the Remnants to protect their terminals and their consoles.
These puzzles have a high level of security and can be difficult to solve if you don't understand the rules behind them. The purpose of this guide is to understand the mechanism behind the Remnant in puzzles Mass Effect Andromeda.
What are Remnant puzzles
Remnant puzzles come in the form of grids, divided into different areas but all forming part of a single structure. You will need to see the grids as rows, columns and shapes (such shapes will initially be squares but will later turn into something more complicated). In that grid will be a series of glyphs (symbols that will have meaning for the Remnants but not for you) and numerous empty spaces. To solve the puzzle you will need to fill in the blanks with the glyphs, but this will require some exploration so that you know the right glyphs to enter.
Essentially what you will be faced with will be a Sudoku with glyphs in place of numbers. Just as Sudokus do not require great knowledge in mathematics, so Remnant puzzles do not require knowledge of the language of that breed. In theory, you could also match a number to each glyph and fill the grid like that. In fact, your eyes may be more used to recognizing numbers and thus solving it more simply. Once solved, simply transpose the numbers with the glyphs and the game will be done.
Rules for decrypting Remnant puzzles
- There must be a glyph within each space
- A line cannot include the same glyph twice
- A column cannot include the same glyph twice
- No highlighted shape can include the same glyph twice. These shapes, as anticipated, will initially be square, then they will change.
By following these rules the resolution will be much easier. If you enter the wrong solution, a wave of enemies will be thrown at you and, after taking them down, you will have to solve the puzzle from the beginning.
There will also be objects, the decryption keys, which can be used to bypass the puzzle. However, these are quite rare and consumable items. The key to solving puzzles is to keep an eye on more than one row or column at the same time. Watching a column and row intersect will also be helpful.
Where are the Remnant puzzles located and how many are there?
Remnant puzzles will be found on seven planets of the Mass Effect Andromeda universe. Four will be on Eos, three on Havarl, five on Voeld and two on Kadara. Another on H-047c, four on Elaaden and the last on Khi Tasira.
Other useful guides on Mass Effect Andromeda:
- Reset a character's abilities
- Trophy Guide
- Scan the planets
- Which training to choose