Among the many secondary quests present in Immortals Fenyx Rising, one of the most difficult to complete is the one dedicated to the Goddess Nike, a Greek deity who embodies the meaning of victory. To free the Goddess we will have to look for four cages each containing a fragment of the Nikes within the fantastic game world. In this guide we will show you the exact places to find them, and how to free the "Victory" from the clutches of Typhon.
- First fragment - Valley of the Eternal Spring
Climbing the statue of Athena, it will be possible to find a small plateau with a large black map and a cage for birds. Approaching the cage it will be possible to interact with it and free the first fragment of the Goddess Nike.
- Second fragment - Lair of War
The second piece of Nike is found on a tower southwest of the Immortals Fenyx Rising map. To find the piece of Nike you will only have to climb the tower near the giant crossbow and interact with the cage to recover this other fragment of the goddess as well.
- Third fragment - Terra della Fucina
To the west of the map is a promontory with a destroyed temple overlooking the sea. On one of the still standing walls you will find the penultimate part of Nike.
- Fourth fragment - Wood of Kleos
This fragment is located on the top of the mountain in the southern part of the island. You will have to climb the mountain until you find the cage, interact with it to free the last piece of Nike and start the final phase of the secondary mission.
Now you just have to go back to the Hall of the Gods through the fast travel e follow the marker "?" to find the cave where Nike is locked up. After a short cutscene, you will receive the reward for completing the side mission the symbol of victory.
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► Immortals Fenyx Rising is an Adventure type game developed and published by Ubisoft for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 03/12/2020
Immortals Fenyx Rising is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 89%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Immortals Fenyx Rising