Infinite Undiscovery, the Xbox360 exclusive Square-Enix game, is entirely in English, so the names that I will list below will be kept in Anglo-Saxon. Beware of spoilers as you read, so I advise you to continue reading only in parallel with the game. I have marked all the points where you will have to play your flute to make the mysterious objects appear and in the guide you will also find all the secondary missions to be carried out.
Graad Prison
You will begin your adventure in a prison as your alter ego, Capell, a flute player. Soon you will meet Aya, a girl who will soon save you from prison: get out and you will be involved in the first fight of the game, so as to also learn the movements to do. You will attack with A and B, the first is for a normal and fast attack, the second for a powerful but slow one, with RT you will take the sword and with RT, again, you will put it back in the sheath: when you are not armed you will run faster. Having defeated the first opponents, continue for a few steps before being interrupted by Aya who will tell you how to use the menu: exit the gate, go up the stairs and you will reach two types of treasures. The one on the left, after examining it, you will find that to be opened it must be broken, so you will have to attack it with A and hope not to break the content as the tutorial will indicate: if you break the content you will find garbage, junk, otherwise a Black Berry Potion; instead in the chest on the right you will find a Bronze Scale Greaves: equip them to Capell (they are gloves) and continue to the left to the first save point. Here too a tutorial will appear that will explain how to save. Just before the save point, however, you will find a man behind bars, talk to him twice and choose the "very well" option to receive an Eagle Emble Gold Coin which you will have to give to the man's family later on. Now go up the stairs to retrieve a Black Berry Potion from a chest in an empty cell. Go back to the save point and continue straight on for another tutorial just through the gate. You will have to hit your enemy by surprise from the back by blowing up the explosive barrel next to him: you will have to do it by pressing the RB key, taking possession of Aya, X key to select her and then X again to type her straight arrow on barrel that will explode killing the guard. Go ahead and take the Bronze Scale Helmet from the chest on the left, then continue to watch a cutscene where Aya will explain who she is and what she does. After the movie, wait for the lift to arrive and then go up. Keep close to the elevator and go around it to retrieve a Black Berry Potion from a chest, after which continue on the only available path, up the stairs, to set off an alarm and attract the attention of an ugly and dangerous monster, Fatass. : Go around it and enter the door from which it came out to retrieve a Black Berry from a chest near the double bed. Now exit the room paying attention to Fatass and start running up the stairs to avoid his fury. You will meet on the street some pieces of wood that you will have to destroy with your sword to continue, so be quick to extract it and then put it back immediately to run faster: you will also meet different opponents on the way that could give you problems; don't worry about leaving Aya too far behind, she will eventually catch up with you anyway. After a few flights of stairs a cutscene will start and you will begin to meet enemies armed with a bow and you will notice that Fatass has become much more agile enough to be able to anticipate you in the race: always try not to end up under him. After other ramps and other enemies you will be able to start a cutscene in which you have to blow up the barrels beside Fatass with Aya's bow. Any one will be enough, whether it is the closest or the farthest, just hit it making it explode when Fatass is close to one of these: it will fall, leaving you a bunch of keys on the floor. Now open the door by examining it and destroy the last wooden obstacle to find a save point and three treasure chests: Miraculous Medicine, Bronze Scale Armor and Red Berry Potion are the items you will find from left to right. Now open the door and exit the prison after defeating the guards that appear.
Graad Woods
You will have to follow the flames to make your way through the darkness of the forest and it is advisable to always hit the enemies from behind when possible, at least in the first few bars: after the first fallen guard, Aya will point out two apples on a tree saying that she could make them fall with the his arrows (you will not waste ammo because Aya's bow has infinite of them), then hit them and pick them up from the ground. Go ahead for two more flames to start another cutscene and notice that the guards are looking for you accompanied by some fireflies. You will then be shown a tutorial on Tactics. Continue following the flames and continuing to get rid of the guards that come on you: you will find a chest after a while containing a Black Berry Potion. On the way, you'll also need to find some healing herbs that don't hurt your inventory. A cutscene will start when you are about halfway down the path, in which you will be presented with wolves who will soon approach you while you will be attacked by bees: annoying enemies as they are flying. The wolves are very resistant and the first ones that will come at you will do so in a group of three.Continue your race until Fatass returns to bother you: obviously you do not have to attack him but keep running away and soon you will find a bridge that will mark the end of your escape with a movie. Aya will pass out and you will find yourself surrounded after a scene from her against Capell. You will soon meet Sigmund, the hero you have been mistaken for. After the introductions you will arrive at a field where you can recover for a moment. Talk to everyone at the camp without forgetting anyone (you will find all marked in white on the map) after which go to Aya for another cutscene. He will faint again and at the end of the cutscene Sigmund will entrust the girl to you, trusting you blindly and also entrusting you with the Emblazoned Sword. You will be taught how to request a cure from a companion close to you during the battle and you will find yourself only able to walk with Aya in your arms: follow the group without too many problems as they will always go ahead and kill all the monsters they find, you obviously avoid to set out to discover the world without them since you cannot use weapons or anything else. After walking for a while you will be shown the way to the nearest village: you will then find yourself in a boundless land where the road is indicated by ruins and soon a dragon will come to keep you company attacking you with dangerous burning fireballs. Start escaping and reach the end of the ruins to enter the village of Nolaan. If you manage not to take damage, you will unlock a 30-point objective: to rescue Aya in the village without damage.
Here you will find two little boys to welcome you and when they see the sword you carry with you they will mistake you for Sigmund, like everyone so far: they will invite you to follow them home to give Aya refreshment. Start walking around the village by entering the first house on the left and opening the chest on the left to find a letter. Exit the house and continue up the slope a little further to find a save point: after this, enter the house opposite to get to the home of the two children and allow Aya to rest. Listen to the speech of the mother of the two children and then, again in the video, you will leave the house to be able to explore the area a bit. Aya will leave the party and Rucha and Rico will enter. A tutorial will appear in which Connect 2 will be explained to you. At home, open the two chests on the right, one of which must be broken, while the other contains a Graad Onion. Exit and take the road you took to get here and the twins will follow you. Creation 1 will be explained to you, to create items and weapons. Now walk around the village trying to get items from the villagers: in total you should get a Black Berry Potion, two Red Berry Potions, a Panacea and an Antidote. When you have recovered everything go to save and then continue along the road under the slope that led to the house of the twins to enter a strange cave.