Injustice 2 has reached the shelves of large retailers for the past two weeks. If you are the lucky owner of the NetherRealm fighting game and an Xbox One, you will surely be happy to know that EpicTrick's Goal Guide is at your disposal.
Heat your fists: we'll take care of the rest!
- 04:30 am train to Metropolis (15D)
Throw an opponent into the Memorial Station arena transition at 04:30
- Start the show (15G)
Throw an opponent into the Empire Theater arena transition at 20pm
- Alcoholic Monkey (15G)
Throw 3 kegs during a match with Gorilla Grodd at the Ace o 'Clubs
- Doctor Fate-lità (15G)
Perform 3 bounces on the Empire Theater in the background
- The pleasure of victory (15G)
Win 10 Ranked Matches
- No one can stop me (15G)
Win 50 Player Matches
- True Fighter (15G)
Play 200 online matches
- Stay down (15G)
Throw an opponent into an arena transition 25 times
- Killer Croc (15G)
Deal the final blow with the Slaughter Swamp crocodile
- Kneeling (15G)
Crouch 10 consecutive times during a match
- Halfway (15G)
Complete 50% of Story Mode
- Next next (15G)
Complete 100% of Story Mode
- Conscientious traveler (15G)
Complete Story Mode after completing all alternate paths
- Civic Sense (15G)
Vote correctly 10 times in King of the Hill
- To the guillotine! (15G)
Dethrone a king 5 times in King of the Hill
- Event organizer (15G)
Complete 25 Multiverse Events
- Tireless (15G)
Complete 100 Multiverse Events
- The Strength of Friendship (15G)
Join a guild
- Rain of Gifts (15G)
Open 100 mother boxes
- Super! (15G)
Perform all super moves
Defeat Batman with Bane using Bane's Bomb with Active Gauge as a final hit
- The Cry of the Canary (15G)
Win with Black Canary using Level 3 Ultrasonic Scream as the final blow
- Cat fight (15G)
Defeat Cheetah with Catwoman using Cat Call as the final blow
- Deathbed (15G)
Win with Poison Ivy using Kiss of Death as the final blow
- I tear your eyes out (15G)
Defeat Wonder Woman with Cheetah by performing Blood Lunge with Gauge Active
- Anger consumes you (15G)
Defeat Green Lantern with Atrocitus with Absorbed final hit with active meter
- Earth to Earth (15G)
Defeat Poison Ivy with Swamp Thing using Kingdom of Green as the final blow
- I am never wrong (15G)
Win a match with Deadshot without ever missing the target (minimum 10 shots)
- Villainous Son (15G)
Defeat Batman with Robin using Killer Shot with Active Gauge as a final blow
- Fish food (15G)
Win with Aquaman using Beast of the Abyss as the final blow
- Always one step ahead (15G)
Win as Batman using Cloak Deviation or Cloak Counterattack as the final blow
- It wasn't me (15G)
Win with Brainiac using Beta Attack as the final hit
- Lethal Ice (15G)
Defeat Flash with Captain Cold using Cryogenic Blast as the final blow
- History lesson (15G)
Defeat Captain Cold with the Flash using Timing as the final blow
- Stop Hitting Yourself (15G)
Defeat Flash with Gorilla Grodd using Mind Control as a final blow
- By order of the beetle (15G)
Win with Blue Beetle using Jaw Attack with Active Gauge as a final blow
- Electrifying (15G)
Win with Black Adam using Seth's Orbs as the final blow
- End of a friendship (15G)
Defeat Robin with Cyborg using Apokolips as the final blow
- Fire and Ice (15G)
Defeat Captain Cold with Firestorm using Fiery Trap with Active Indicator as a final blow
- Love Bickering (15G)
Defeat Black Canary with Green Arrow using Shooting Practice as the final blow
- I wish you survive (15G)
Defeat Atrocitus with Green Lantern using Mechanical Assault as the final blow
- Love and hate (15G)
Defeat Joker with Harley using Night Night as the final blow
- And have a laugh! (15G)
Defeat Batman with Joker using as a final blow. Not so funny, huh?
- Make a wish (15G)
Win with the Scarecrow using Schizophrenia as a final blow
- The latest Kryptonian
Defeat Superman with Supergirl after scoring 20 Kryptonian Lasers
- Too strong (15G)
Superman must defeat Green Lantern using Last Flight as the final blow
- Hippolyta's Blessing (15G)
Win with Wonder Woman using the Lasso of Truth with active indicator as the final blow
- Let me out (15G)
Win with Doctor Fate using Amulet of Anubis as the final blow
- Untouchable (15G)
Endure a match for 10 seconds without being hit by the opponent
- First kit (15G)
Obtain a total of 200 common gear, excluding shaders
- What should I wear? (15G)
Obtain a total of 100 rare gear, excluding shaders
- Hipster (15G)
Obtain a total of 50 epic gear, excluding shaders
- Second hand market (15G)
Sell a total of 250 pieces of equipment
- Warlord (15G)
Win 5 AI Battle Simulator matches
- Thrill of Power (15G)
Reach Player XP level 35
- Only a true master (15G)
Defeat an opponent online with at least 90% health while having 10% health or less
- Be Prepared (15G)
Dethrone an opponent with Harley in King of the Hill using Double Threat as a final blow
- Back to your seat (15G)
Launch all of Gotham's villains in Arkham transitions with Batman
- Barbarians (15G)
Win a match with all the criminals
- That's why I don't keep any knick-knacks! (15G)
Found in the Batcave once all environmental interactions have been used
- Spoiler hazard (30G)
View the endings of all characters in the combat simulator
- Factotum (70G)
Reach max level with all characters
You are not satisfied yet and need more advice for Injustice 2? No problem, we've already thought about it. We are happy to offer you the complete list of our solutions below!
- How to get source crystals in Injustice 2
- How to level up fast in Injustice 2
- Injustice 2 Trophy Guide
► Injustice 2 is a fighting game published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 16/05/2017 The version for PC came out on 14/11/2017
Injustice 2 is a nice game that cannot miss in your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Injustice 2 Review