Riot Games' lucky card game is now almost at the end of its first year of life, a year full of patches, balances and 2 expansions. After the release of the Bilgewater region and Mount Targon, the competitive goal of Legends of RuneterraLegends of Runeterra has changed several times and our Davide "Zero Mulligan" Suardi is here to talk to us about one of the latest incarnations of Noxus-Bilgewater capable of climbing to the top of the charts.
After reaching the Top 150 Eu with this deck thanks to this deck, Zero Mulligan is ready to propose the list and explain it in this guide, which sees us set up an aggro strategy able to inflict considerable damage on the opponent from the first rounds, to go in closing thanks to noteworthy pieces like Gangplank himself and the fearsome Farron.
Deck code
To import the deck, just copy the code into the appropriate section of the Legends of Runeterra client, while we remind you to stay tuned to our pages for stay up to date on the news of the Card Game by Riot Games and decks in meta.