ATTENTION: This guide is based on a glitch in the game and, therefore, it is likely that it will be fixed in the future with a patch.
The glitch allows you to get infinite ammunition in Mafia 3, restoring those of discharged weapons in a completely free way.
After meeting Cassandra you will have the possibility to call, where and when you want, a arms dealer. To activate the glitch and restore the ammo for free you have to follow these two simple steps:
- select a weapon you are not using and equip it
- now select the weapon with no ammo (or low ammo) and equip it
By doing this the weapon's ammunition will be restored without having to pay a dollar.
Other guides by Mafia III
- Tips for players
- Achievements List (Xbox One)
- Trophy List (PS4)
- All 50 Playboy magazines
- Unlimited ammo
- Easy money
- The 12 Hot Rod magazines
- Guide to the endings
- Repent magazines
- Album Cover