In the universe of Mafia III you can never be too sure. Whether you are an experienced player, aficionado or new to the series, there are a few precautions that you should take into consideration before throwing yourself headlong into the streets of New Bordeaux. With this guide we are going to cover the basic strategies that anyone should know before embarking on Lincoln Clay's dangerous mission. To survive to the top, you'll need to make these tips a prerogative of your play style.
Powerful friendships
You will not be alone in your quest for success. Lincoln can count on the support of several allies: be foresight and take advantage of their help whenever you need it, without hesitation. We are still talking about a game; no one will come to threaten you to collect debts.
Quick extraction
Although it is possible to choose your defense item from the weapon wheel, in certain situations you will not have time to think and will have to be quick. An easy way to swap weapons is by using the L1 and R1 (or LB, RB) keys. This will allow you to quickly switch from heavy fire to pistol, and will save your skin in those annoying moments when you run out of ammo.
To break in or not to break in?
When faced with a closed door, you have two options: break it down or open it gracefully. If you choose the former, be prepared for the consequences. The enemies around will be alerted and, in case they are waiting for you, you will find yourself facing a shooting. If you opt for a more "normal" entrance, you can take advantage of the tactical advantage to make some silent kills. Move with caution because your success may depend on the approach you choose.
Change your perspective
Like most third-person shooters, Mafia III features a shoulder-to-shoulder targeting system that will normally be set to the right (why is not known). To swap with the left shoulder, simply press the L3 button (the left stick also on Xbox). Knowing this will come in handy when shooting from cover.
Integrate this into your game strategy as soon as possible and you'll have a few less problems to worry about. For everything else, you can always refer to the other guides available on our website and listed below
- Tips for players
- Achievements List (Xbox One)
- Trophy List (PS4)
- All 50 Playboy magazines
- Unlimited ammo
- Easy money
- The 12 Hot Rod magazines
- Guide to the endings
- Repent magazines
- Album Cover