Marvel's Iron Man VR, the latest title from Camouflaj, as well as the first AAA title for PlayStation VR, comes with a fairly long trophy list but also not too difficult to complete; There are 45 total of which 32 bronze, 4 silver, 5 gold and the platinum trophy.
Bronze Trophies
- Analysis completed - complete the prologue.
- Wear the power - wear armor.
- Unexpected at high altitude - complete chapter 1.
- Reloaded - complete chapter 2.
- Hostile takeover - complete chapter 3.
- Study trip - complete chapter 4.
- Caged - complete chapter 5.
- Living laser - complete chapter 6.
- Ghost in the car - complete chapter 7.
- Bitter lead - complete chapter 8.
- The uncanny area - complete chapter 9.
- Laser precision - complete chapter 10.
- The tailor's drawings - put together Yinsen's drawings.
- Like the rock - complete chapter 11.
- Classic dresses - brings a relic back to life.
- Resilience - complete chapter 12.
- I am Iron Man - Complete all story missions on "Hero" difficulty.
Just finish Marvel's Iron Man VR on "Hero" difficulty or lower. - Stark technology - create your first weapon.
- Scrap - unlock and view all drone searches.
- Hand game - destroy two enemies with repulsors at the same time, one for each hand.
- Management of madness - destroy six enemies with a single shot of the auxiliary weapon.
- Power is never too much - Destroy 12 enemies with a single strike of Beam.
- Happy Hogan's specialty - destroy two enemies with a single rocket punch.
- Dishonorable - Get a five-star rating on a mission.
- Overheating - destroy a total of 250 enemies with repulsors.
- Machine from war - destroy a total of 250 enemies with auxiliary weapons.
- Heart of iron - destroy a total of 50 enemies with unifying.
- Warm your gloves - destroy a total of 50 enemies in melee.
- Iron socket - set a new pull-up record.
Just keep doing the pull-ups on the machine until this achievement is unlocked. - Iron basket - set a new basketball record.
You will have to beat the highest score in the basketball arcade machine. - Two calories - catch a grape with your mouth.
- Human resources - pay tribute to the brilliant employees of Stark Industries.
Silver Trophies
- Superior Iron Man - Complete all story missions on "Superhero" difficulty.
- Hyper speed - tackle all of Friday's flight paths.
- Run the program - play all Gunsmith combat challenges.
- The week after retirement - help a hero on one last mission.
You will have to play the mission after the game ends.
Gold Trophies
- Iron Man invincible - Complete all story missions on "Invincible" difficulty.
- Gunsmith - create all weapons.
- Technical genius - create all increments.
- In extremis - complete all missions.
- Unstoppable - Get a five-star rating in five missions.
Platinum Trophies
- Platinum Man - Fill Tony's trophy cabinet
Unlock all Marvel's Iron Man VR trophies.