The roster of characters to choose from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, developed by Team Ninja and published by Nintendo for the Switch, is very vast. However, in order to make the most of the available characters, it will be necessary to level them up. This can be a challenging task, given the amount of characters available and all of which start at level 1 (with the exception of some secret heroes). But don't worry, thanks to our guide you will take less time than expected!
The first way to be able to quickly level in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is through the XP Cubes. They can increase the XP of some characters (others don't benefit in the same way). To use them go to the Team Menu, select the desired character, press the Y key and use the XP cubes. Be careful to choose wisely on who to use them as they are consumed after use.
The second way to get large amounts of XP is through Infinity Trials. You will need them to be able to collect useful resources to upgrade your characters. In addition, the rewards increase depending on the performance. To be able to level quickly you will have to form a team in which to insert strong heroes and low level heroes. This way the high-level heroes will do the bulk of the work, the low-level heroes will instead gain mountains of XP and level up quickly. It is important to emphasize that you will not have to face Trials that require a higher level of your best heroes, in which case it is advisable to farm more.
Finally, if you need a lot, really a lot of experience, you can use a glitch. First go to Infinity Mode and from here choose Solo Infinity Trial. Select the character you want to level and place him in the second, third or fourth slot of your team. Then face the Trial and lose. Quit the game and return to the hero selection menu. Here you will notice that, in the first slot of the team, there will be a copy of the selected character. But one copy is not enough. Select the copy in the first slot and another hero on your team (it is important that he is already on the team, otherwise the copy will vanish). After selecting them you can swap them. Play the Trial again and lose again. Back in the hero selection menu you will find a second copy waiting for you. Repeat this process until your team is made up exclusively of copies of the same hero. This will grant you four times the XP and rewards. As if that were not enough, the team will also be able to face the Story mode through the selection of the chapter and farm XP there too.
In short, if you want to speed up your XP gain you now have several ways to do it. You won't need to spend hours on a single character. Please let us know if the guide was useful to you or if you know other ways, besides those already listed, to earn XP very quickly.
► Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is a scrolling fighting-RPG game developed by Team Ninja and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 19/07/2019
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is a nice game that we recommend: we decided to rate it with a 65%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Review