H-047c: a "name" a guarantee. Mass Effect Andromeda is without a doubt a video game that has made the exploration of inhospitable planets a starting point for the player to grow both in level and in understanding of the plot and dynamics of the new galaxy. As is normal, you can find yourself a bit confused in front of some small issues that are not explained by any tutorial although they are necessary.
This is the case of the journey that we will have to make on the "planet" with our character H-047c, a celestial body more like an asteroid than anything else. Here we will have to carry out some simple missions but the low gravity of the place will force us to always remain inside the Nomad except in cases where we will enter inside some domes to carry out the missions.
In this case we will be able to proceed on foot because there will be some excited combat phases, but for the whole remaining time we will have to remain with the backside resting on the comfortable seats of our favorite futuristic SUV.
Once we have finished our tasks on this strange celestial body, however, we will not be able to return to board the Tempest. Crashing the Nomad several times against the cockpit of our spaceship will not bring up the magical "E" key we so long for. So here's what to do to request the extraction and this method works on any planet when you are aboard the Nomad.
In fact, just hold down “T” to request the extraction by the Tempest. This way you can get back on board directly without having to get out of the vehicle or return to base camp.
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