Whether you are playing Mercenaries Saga 3 on Nintendo 3DS that on Nintendo Switch as the third part of the Mercenaries Saga Chronicles collection, you will have noticed that during the main adventure on two occasions (and precisely at the end of chapters 8 and 15) you will be asked to make a choice of path. Depending on the path you choose you will come across and enlist a different character, but obviously you can't know what kind of unit it is until after adding it to your party. So here is a guide to making the best choice of characters according to your taste and fighting style.
At the end of Chapter 8 we will have to decide how to carry out the next attack on the fortress. If you decide to attack the front you will enlist Clement, while attacking the back will have you enlist Esther. Below are their skill trees.
- Clement
Base class: Cleric
- Healing
- Cure
- Bless
- Protection
- MEN Increase
Intermediate class 1: priest
- High Healing
- God's Wrath
- Resurrection
- Strong Blow: Heavy weapon attack
- MEN Resistance
Intermediate class 2: Missionary
- Self-Defense
- Remember Sin
- Vitalize
- Peace
- Distant Evade
Advanced Class 1 (from Priest): Bishop
- Heal area
- Mana Ration
- Remove Curse
- Meditation
- MP Increase
Advanced Class 2 (from Priest): Healer
- Cure Area
- Anabio
- All Heal
- Vigilance
- Survival Skill
Advanced Class 3 (from Missionary): Monk
- Annihilate
- Fist Flurry
- Qi Blast
- Qi Control
- Willow
Advanced Class 4 (from Missionary): Inquisitor
- Repent
- Divine Hammer
- Judgment Time
- STR Increase
- HP Increase
- Esther
Base class: Amazoness
- Poison Edge
- Feint
- Herbalism
- Distant Evade
- DEX Increase
Intermediate class 1: Launch
- Legsweep
- Multi Thrust
- Shining Stab
- Abandonment
- Concentrate
Intermediate class 2: Barbarian
- Provoke
- Head Bash
- Javelin
- Enhance
- STR Increase
Advanced Class 1 (from Lancer): Spear Master
- Frenzy Strike
- Slayer
- ignore
- Thunder Spear
- Lethal Technique
Advanced Class 2 (from Lancer): Dragoon
- Dragon's Blaze
- Dragon Release
- Dragon's Guard
- AGI Increase
- HP Increase
Advanced Class 3 (from Barbarian): Vandal
- Blazing Slash
- Bone Breaker
- End Rush
- Wild Intuition
- VIT Increase
Advanced Class 4 (from Barbarian): Avenger
- Sneak Attack
- Weight of Life
- Evil Edge
- Pursuit
- Last Stand
At the end of Chapter 15 you will be asked to go to the aid of one of two cities. If you choose to head to Vigneil Village you will enlist Hugh, while if you decide to help Aerov Town you will add to your ranks Flavie.
- Hugh
Base class: Gunner
- Aim
- Paintball
- Gunpowder store
- Full Burst
- Adjacent Evade
Intermediate class 1: Medic
- Warground Heal
- Regenerate
- Vitalize
- Revive
- Concentrate
Intermediate class 2: Cuirassier
- Warning Shot
- Fast
- Provoke
- HP Increase
- VIT Increase
Advanced Class 1 (from Medic): Artillery
- Artillery Support
- Flare
- Stink Bomb
- Induction
- Lethal Technique
Advanced Class 2 (from Medic): Grenadier
- Scatter Shot
- Pine Bomb
- Moving Shot
- Long throw
- Long Range
Advanced class 3 (from Cuirassier): Trooper
- Impale
- Sight Shot
- Cheer
- AGI Increase
- STR Increase
Advanced class 4 (from Cuirassier): Jager
- Repair Shot
- Solidifier
- Booster
- Survival Skill
- Move Again
- Flavie
Base class: Esquire
- Feint
- Disarm
- Healing
- Cure
- STR Increase
Intermediate class 1: Knight
- Iron Wall
- Shield Bash
- Strength
- Iron Heart
- VIT Increase
Intermediate class 2: Cavalry
- Sweep Around
- Fast
- Abandonment
- Enhance
- Chivalry
Advanced class 1 (from Knight): Paladin
- Aura Heal
- Descent
- Substitute
- Resurrection
- MEN Resistance
Advanced class 2 (from Knight): Phalanx
- Absolute Defense
- Stun Blow
- Regenerate
- Shield Master
- Magic Resistance
Advanced Class 3 (from Cavalry): Highlander
- ignore
- Full Strike
- Javelin
- AGI Increase
- HP Increase
Advanced Class 4 (from Cavalry): Crusader
- Merciless Blow
- Weight of Life
- Heaven's Sword
- Pursuit
- Move Again

► Mercenaries Saga Chronicles is an RPG-Tactical game developed by Circle Entertainment and published by Rideon Japan for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 18/01/2018
Mercenaries Saga Chronicles is a nice game that we recommend: we decided to rate it with a 70%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Mercenaries Saga Chronicles Review